
  • avant

    With just a few brief albums and a handful of singles under her belt thus far, Holly Herndon is quickly becoming one of the most interesting electronic music producers to watch in 2015. If I’m correct, she’s slated to drop a new full-length toward the start of next

  • 2013

    Strange Transmissions From The Neuralnomicon by Orbweaver Try out this new EP from Florida technical death metal band Orbweater. The title certainly is a mouthful: Strange Transmissions From The Neuralnomicon. You’re in for some fast, dizzying, interstellar guitars on this one. The playing is consistently flashy, but it usually

  • Actress’ latest album is like a musical sketchbook filled with intimate, personal experiments with techno, house, and more.

  • avant

    Enigmatic singer-songwriter and former baroque pop crooner Scott Walker grows stranger and stranger with each release–or at least that’s what the two tracks embedded above illustrate. On December 4th, he’ll be putting out Bish Bosch, which will be his first record in five years, making the the

  • 2012

    Stream: Fergus & Geronimo- Funky Was the State of Affairs On it’s sophomore effort, Funky Was the State of Affairs, Fergus & Geronimo seem to pull out all the stops with a series of abrupt tracks, tongue-in-cheek lyrics, and some weird spots of spoken word. I didn’t think

  • 2012

    As part of a compilation that independent record label SOUNGS has just released, Hubble, solo guitarist Ben Greenberg of Pygmy Shrews and Zs, and Patrick Breiner, a Connecticut resident who triples as a saxophonist, clarinetist, and composer, have teamed up for a mind-bending new collaboration. Titled “Hubble Chase,” the song

  • album

    Legendary proto-punk, art rocker, and musical eccentric Patti Smith has a new album out this week titled Banga, which is actually somewhat of a nonsensical tribute to a fictional dog who waited 2000 years on the edge of Heaven for his master who had ventured in to speak with Jesus

  • avant

    Gatekeeper’s Invitation by Carson McWhirter Guitar monster Carson McWhirter has a new album up on Bandcamp titled SNDLPVN, and “Gatekeeper’s Invitation” is one of the easier ins on the album; meaning that straight drumming and angular riffs digest a little easier than some of the other tracks on

  • aeterna

    AETERNA (2012) by Black Swan To those of you who prefer their ambient music as dark and eerie as possible, allow me to direct your attention to the experimental drone project Black Swan. I’ve heard plenty of artists toy with “dark ambient” music with underwhelming results, mostly at the

  • 3ep

    After the release of its debut album, I Missed You Black Diamond, experimental music project Thee Source ov Fawnation is following things up with a new, 21-minute EP of dissonant drones, gritty beats, and ominous tones. This “3EP” seems to work as a trilogy, with one track segueing into another