Artificial Brain - "Absorbing Black Ignition"

Some incredibly dense, layered, and technical death metal from the New York band Artificial Brain. “Absorbing Black Ignition” is the first song to drop from their forthcoming debut album, Labyrinth Constellation. The LP is currently looking at a February 18th release date on Profound Lore. I think there’s a lot to expect based on what’s being displayed on the track above. For one, the track is incredibly varied with guitars that crush, uplift, and wail with dissonance. There’s an interesting keyboard added to the last third of the song that breaks things up a bit, and the drums are absolutely insane. The percussion here is so fast, but the band has obviously opted for a more natural feel to their recording than some technical death metal bands out there these days. The atmospheric finish is a nice touch as well. Enjoy!

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