Brat Summer Isn't Dead

Hey, buddy, did you hear the news? It's track reviews.

Hey, everyone. Anthony Fantano here, the internet's busiest music nerd. I hope you are doing well.

Brat Summer, whether you wanted to or not, continues with a brand new single and remix, basically a new version of the track, "Guess", one of the extra tracks that has been added to the album in the second version of it, Brat and it's the same but there's three more songs so it's not.

Since the release of this new version, two of those extra tracks that were added onto the tail end of the record actually have managed to become insanely popular, really as beloved among fans as many of the core songs on the album. I'm talking about not just, of course, "Spring Breakers", but again, the track that is being remixed here, "Guess", which is produced by none other than The Dare, who has an album dropping pretty soon this year.

Now, we've already heard a recent remix of a track from Charli XCX's BRAT era. That would be the song "Girl, So Confusing". When that track came out, originally, there was a lot of theorizing as to who that song is about and in reference to. Through the remix, it was pretty much revealed that it was in fact Lorde. Now that things have been worked out on that remix, Charli has been seeking to remix other tracks from this brand new LP, by virtue, extending Brat Summer.

This latest one has Billie Eilish on it, who I am very curious about her inclusion into this track and what exactly she will contribute to it, as it is a pretty salacious song to begin with. But let's see.

Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. I'm fanning myself off with the Bible.

Okay, still fun, still a banger. For the most part, still the same track until Charli finishes off that first verse and then gets a little devilish and funny and hits you with the "Eat it for lunch / Yeah, it's so delicious." Then after that comes Billie's additional remix verse, and it's actually super fitting. I like that just naturally, her breathy, vocal, fry-singing delivery style is a very natural fit for this song and the tone that Charli originally set on it because she does sing in a much different style than she does on the rest of BRAT.

On any number of other songs on BRAT where that is not, in fact, the case, Billie, if she were singing in this style, it would have been a little weird and a little out of place. However, here, fits like a glove. And the lyrics play into the vibe really well. I mean, we're describing the underwear. We're buying the underwear. The underwear is peaking out. I mean, it's a really quick, fast verse for a quick, fast song, but it gets the job done. And then, of course, finishing it off with "Charli likes boys / but she know I'd hit it." What!? Okay. And then the trades on "guess, guess, guess, guess, guess, guess". And then the funny little talking bits at the end of the song that also get switched up.

It's a good remix. It's a fun remix. It's collaborative. It's chaotic. It's funny. It's tongue-in-cheek, just like the original energy of the song is. If anything, having Billie in the mix just intensifies that aspect of the song. With this being as much of a banger as it is and as funny and as silly and as wild and discussable of a remix, this is only going to extend Brat Summer.

Which I do want to hop in quickly here and talk about that as a topic, because recently in the wake of all of the Kamala Harris stuff that we recently did a video about, that will be linked to down below for full context for anybody who has been a little out of the know over the past couple of weeks. I don't know why you would be, but still.

That weird surprising endorsement, which I went over in detail, the potential pros and cons of. It resulted in a lot of publications covering the Brat Summer phenomenon, talking about how, "Oh, it's just like dead now. Just like Brat Summer's over, guys." And personally, I think that was a really dumb, shallow, just uninformed way of going about talking about the Brat Summer phenomenon and its potential to last throughout the rest of the actual summer, and maybe throughout the rest of the year. Because not only, in my opinion, is this Charli's best album so far, but it's so incredibly smart and well-executed as an album rollout, too. I mean, this is going to be something that I feel like pop artists are really going to have to watch and take notes on for years to come.

Honestly, one of the lamest things that you could do with any piece of increasingly popular media is jump shit because other people are enjoying it. I don't know. That's sad. That's stupid. And honestly, 10 to 20 times worse than just somebody randomly being into a thing for a little while and then just going off and paying attention to something else after. At least those people are freely enjoying things at their leisure and stopping when it no longer interests them.

Look, here's what I'm going to do. The Brat Community is forgiving and understanding and benevolent, and we will allow you back into the brat fold if you decide to enter, once again, with your brat heart and your brat minds being more open and accepting. While I understand it is true that the popularity of BRAT, the virality of it, is not going to last forever. Nothing ever does. Just calling it early because you feel entitled to because you're mad over some political endorsement is just really sucky.

And I think I'm going to leave it there.

Anthony Fantano. BRAT. Forever.

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