Banger of the Year

How do I even start this? What is the point, the message, the central theme, the focus? Guys, this channel is about music, and this video, specifically, is about a song. A song that I feel like I needed to stop in my tracks and talk about in a video such as this. It's that big of a deal. It's that much of a showstopper. It's that much of a banger.

You could be saying to yourself, Anthony, what is this wonderful, amazing, mind-blowing song that you're talking about? Well, I'm going to tell you, but I have to set this up by saying this track came from a unexpected place. It's not from your favorite DJ. It was not composed pad to pen with the most elegant Madlib beat by your favorite rapper. It's not the next boundary-pushing post-punk epic from your favorite underground rock group.

No, this song comes from a group of kids, a group of Irish kids that have been featured in a new song in a video that has been produced and released by a public funding radio and television company out in Ireland. So it's a government-funded banger, and you guys know how much we like those over here. Thanks to the people at CBSC.

The song is titled "The Spark," and it's from a group that for the purposes of this whole thing, they're called Rhyme Island. And the track is mix of EDM and electro and pop and some hip hop, too. And you guys might be saying to yourselves, Anthony, why are you talking about this? What is the big deal here? Publicly funded media companies across the world make children's programming all the time, much of which is music-based and features the demographic of viewers that they're trying to hook with this programming, features original music, too. Also, if you want to listen to kids music so bad, you could also put on some kids bop, something like that.

Yeah, that much is true. But what makes this special is it actually goes really frigging hard, like legitimately harder than most of the music I review during the year. It has no right to go as hard as it does. It's to the point where if Rhyme Island drops maybe 5 to 10 more tracks that hit on the level that this song is, they're actually competing with some of your favorite music groups on the planet today and putting them to shame.

So I know that I've built this up a bit, and yes, that is true, but I have no doubt that once you hear what Rhyme Island has to offer on this song, you, too, will be convinced. All right, so here it is right here, the song and music video for "The Spark" by Rhyme Island. Let's give it a taste, a spin, and you will hear the magic for yourself.

Think you can stop when we do, I doubt it / We got the energy to tell you all about it / I searched for my spark and I found it / Everybody in the crowd got bouncing.

Yeah, that first loop of the hook there is just... That's spicy, man. Those driving beats, those rough analog synthy electro baselines, and just the kids shouting the hook altogether is just blood-pumping. And like, coming out of the gate with, "Think you could stop what we do, I doubt it."

Obviously, I wasn't thinking about stopping what these kids are doing, wasn't even a conception in my mind. But now I'm even more scared of even just that thought crossing my head. I am 300% convinced that these children are an unstoppable force. How are these kids coming through with just so much damn swag and forceful charisma on the camera, on the mic?

Like, who hyped these children up?

"Pen set fire to the page / I can't live without it / You can do it like we do it, don't doubt it / Any obstacle, we find a way around it / If you're proud of who you are and what you do, show it."

These children are a riot. They deserve a feature on the next Charli XCX record. I'll say that. They would go hard over an A.G. Cook or a Sophie beat.

"We're going to make you my town, people be like, Who are they? / Moving to my music, yeah, that gets me through the day / I create my own way, feeling super slay / Express my heart, that's how I communicate / In my imagination, never feeling out of place / Blast off like a rocket of the outer space."

Loving the group chemistry. Couple bars for each person, additionally in the second half of the song. Everyone's feeling collectively creative, backing each other up, reinforcing a similar vibe. There's group cohesion and focus. They're basically the Irish children, Wu-Tang clan. There's no debate. Wow. Holy crap.

Again, the production, the group vocals, the flows, the group chemistry from bar to bar trading off verses, couplets. These Irish kids are putting a lot of adult music producers and rappers and artists to shame. They're certainly putting the children from the rest of the world to shame as well, developing this banger here that they did. I mean, I don't hear any American groups of kids making bangers on this level right now. It's actually depressing.

Like, literally right now, the US of fucking A is losing the adolescent banger arms race. And you know what? Not to sound hokey and stupid over here, because I do think there is something to this point that I'm about to make. But right now, America doesn't even deserve a government-funded children's banger. Have you seen what our frigging tax dollars are going to right now? It's disgusting.

Meanwhile, Ireland, based as hell, is all like, 'Hey, we most definitely recognize Palestine's legitimacy as a country. Oh, and you know what? Casually on the side, we're just going to drop one of the biggest bangers of the year and not even give you guys any heads up about it. We're just going to do it.' That's the talent, focus, and moral clarity this bankrupt dumpster fire of a country needs right now, and we just don't have it. Sucks, but it's true.

So amen to these kids. Amen to Rhyme Island. I truly, truly hope that "The Spark" is not the last we hear of this group, because if this how they're kicking things off, the music industry is about to be in for a reset.

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