Tickets for Fyre Festival II have gone on sale

Tickets for Fyre Festival II have gone on sale

The controversial Ja Rule organized Fyre Festival is running it back. After being the subject of an exposé Netflix documentary in 2019, founder Billy McFarland is attempting to make his dream a reality once more. "FYRE 2 really isn’t about the past, and it’s not really about me. It’s about taking the vision, which is strong," he told TODAY in an exclusive interview.

Famous for its disastrous execution and questionable salads, this second installment of the festival will not be run by McFarland, but instead by hired festival, hotel, travel, and ticketing companies.

No artists have been announced yet, but McFarland plans to take a more interdisciplinary approach this time around. "We’re going to have artists across electronic, hip hop, pop and rock," McFarland said. "However, it’s not just music. We might have a professional skateboarder do a demonstration. We might have an MMA champion teach you techniques in the morning."

2,000 tickets have been put on sale today, ranging in price from $1,400 to $1.1 million. It will take place on Isla Mujeres in Mexico. For the million dollar package, according to McFarland, "You will be on a boat, have the luxury yachts that we partner with who will be docked and parked outside the island.”

Fyre Festival: A PR Nightmare - V2 Communications

McFarland still owes $26 million in restitution from the original festival, so a minimum of $500,000 from ticket sales and 10% of total profit from the festival will go towards those payments. Organizers say they expect to sell tickets out within a day. McFarland was released from prison for his fraud charges two years early in May 2022 due to earned good time credit.

Leah Weinstein

Philadelphia, PA

writer, music business student, and snail mail apologist

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