
  • 2013

    Split by Pianos Become the Teeth / Touché Amoré As I mentioned yesterday, Pianos Become the Teeth and Touché Amoré have a new split out, and I’m especially impressed by the Pianos side. The track they dropped on this thing, “Hiding,” has way more clarity, passion, and songwriting ability than

  • 2013

    Zombie Eyed by The Dirty NIl A bit of a grunge-inspired throwback from the guys in The Dirty Nil on “Zombie Eyed,” which is a track that comes off the band’s new split with Northern Primitive. Grab one of the 300 copies here. I’m really digging the hell

  • 7

    LAMC # 3 by Thee Oh Sees/ The Mallard Thee Oh Sees and The Mallard team up on this new 7″ for a short, sweet, lo-fi garage rock party. Grab a copy via Bandcamp. 100% of the digital proceeds are going to the Ariel Panero Memorial Fund at VH1 Save the

  • Aviator

    Aviator/Spirit Fangs split by Aviator One of the great things about the internet is its ability to bridge gaps created by geography. Without the internet, it would pretty difficult and unlikely for two punk bands from opposite sides of the United States to come together and release a split

  • hardcore

    Split w/ KYOTY by Host On this new Split with Kyoty, metallic hardcore outfit Host is sounding sludgier and crustier than ever. A lot of hard-hitting breakdowns and beautifully dark guitar harmonies all over these tracks. Take a listen above, or grab a digital copy of the split for whatever

  • 2012

    Toxic Waste by Municipal Waste / Toxic Holocaust Appropriately titled Toxic Waste, Toxic Holocaust and Municipal Waste have a new split out via Tank Crimes. It’s totally downloadable and free on Bandcamp. Woot! If there are two groups to check out in this new era of bands keeping thrash alive,

  • (This stream will be removed on Feb. 5th) Right here on the Needle Drop, we’re premiering a full stream of the new Steve Moore / Majeure, Brainstorm. It’s out via Temporary Residence. Though Moore and Majeure have made some considerable noise in the past with their respective solo efforts,

  • A track from a new split consisting of Steve Moore and Majure. Of course, both of these musicians make up the progressive synth rock duo Zombi. It just so happens that they are working separately for this split album. From the first track to drop from this thing, “Enchanced Humanoid,

  • 7

    split with brass caskets by cold snap A loud, rebellious set of tracks from the new Cold Snap / Brass Caskets 7″. Both bands draw up different variations on a post-hardcore theme, and leave me wanting more. This thing is out now via Redscroll Records.

  • drone

    New track from Woodsman, which comes from their side of a brand new tour split they’ve released with Tjutjuna. Hear the drone. Feel the drone. Be the drone. Grab this release at the tour dates listed in this tumblr post via Fire Talk Records.