The MeatCanyon Video

Exciting news, everyone. I have been Meat-Canyoned, which is not as disgusting as it sounds, though it is pretty disgusting in a way.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, I recently have been immortalized through the art form of animation through one of my personal favorite YouTube animators, Meat Canyon, whose work I've been enjoying on YouTube for literally years now. A lot of his animation pieces will start out at a place that's maybe a bit unsuspecting and then progressively introduce ideas and visuals that make the experience of watching the video more and more twisted and uncomfortable. Many a Meat Canyon video will start out hokey, tongue-and-cheek, maybe a wee bit vulgar for a laugh, but then will quickly escalate into something that is pretty much the worst nightmare you could imagine.

Several weeks ago, I was asked to involve myself in an upcoming Meat Canyon opinion video, and I couldn't say no. It was an absolute, just like an immediate yes, especially since a lot of the latest shorts have really been blowing me away, like the Steve Harvey one, for example. I really think over the years, the channel has continued really surpassing itself in terms of just twisted and strange ideas, as well as effective satires of various popular online internet cultures and trends.

And again, I was invited to take part in a short that would predominantly feature yours truly. I was pitched the entire idea. I was told it would also tie into the release of some music as Meat Canyon, on the side, has been working on some music under the name Cask. And the new EP that this animated short is referencing is out now. Austen and I will link it down below so you guys can check it out for yourselves.

While I'm usually hesitant to jump into anything that on its face is just so blatantly promotional, the way I was pitched the idea and the way the storyline played out, it made absolute and total sense. Honestly, I was flattered that when it came to the idea of promoting some music that he was going to release, that Meat Canyon, his first idea or go-to was, 'Oh, why not Anthony Fantano?' He's the music nerd review critic guy. Yes, I was told for this video, it would essentially be framed as a review that I would normally do. And of course, to feed into the nerdy curmudgeony, unhappy, miserable, overly critical stereotype that many people have of me, that is how Meat Canyon kicked off the video.

I'm pissed, I'm unhappy, I am hating this Cask project. I also love how when you're watching my character throughout the video, the flannel cross-sections are actually stationary while the shirt itself is moving. I thought that was a really nice attention attention to detail. If there's anything I'm impressed about with this video, it is the attention to detail. I've had some people react to this animated short being like, 'Hey, this isn't the most flattering portrayal of you,' which, yeah, I know that's the case. And honestly, I would expect nothing less from Meat Canyon. If you're being portrayed in a bright, positive, flowery light in a Meat Canyon video, I feel like something's missing.

The fact I am being torn apart and portrayed in this very vile and upsetting way, I feel like is honestly, again, that's the point of Meat Canyon's visual, animated style, and storytelling style. So when I was told I'd be getting progressively angrier and more offended about the music, awesome, exciting. That's what I want. That's what I want. When I was told it would like, dip into some weird, surreal, nightmare-type scenario where the album films and artists that I've reviewed negatively in the past are coming back to haunt me. Yeah, absolutely. That's that horror element that I expect to come through in every Meath Canyon video.

Further from there, I was told that it would involve some very, very overt, weird scat stuff. That honestly just ultimately sold it for me because in every great Meat Canyon video, you need that moment that you're seeing it and your stomach is churned and you're squirming watching it. You're saying 'Why am I even seeing this right now?'

From my reviewing style to the title at the start of the video, to the cord that pops in that ends the title, to my glasses, to my super thick thighs, and a host of other little tidbits here and there, as well as albums I've reviewed positively, seeing them portrayed in the background randomly as I am moving through this area of the house, the characters moving through an area of the where there's all these stacked, nasty records that I'm hoarding. Those types of reference points say to me like, Meat Canyon watches my content, pays attention to what I do, and actually picks up on those small things that make my channel my channel. And honestly, I was even more hype when it was suggested that there would be a moment in the video where I, as my actual self, was talking back to the animated, exaggerated version of me, a speaking reason into him before he breaks into an incredible incredible dance scene.

If you have not seen this video yet, it is a real intense and insane roller coaster. I do think it is one of his better and more interesting videos in a minute. I'm not just saying that because I'm in it, or at least I would like to think that I'm not. Again, I know it's dark, I know it's strange. I know there are parts of it that are horrifying. But to me, that's the magic of Meat Canyon. If I was portrayed in a way that was completely flattering, I would be offended. 'What? Is it me? Did I do something? Did I say something? Am I not special enough to poop on an album and then smear that poop all over myself?'

As far as being portrayed in a somewhat negative light in a Meat Canyon video, I would say, again, in the grander scheme of things, I've gotten off pretty easy, much easier than a lot of people, especially considering, again, I was given that opportunity to pop in as my actual self and interact with the animated me about the importance of connecting with music on an emotional level. And I hope all of you connect with this animated short on an emotional level, too, because it's very good, it's entertaining, it's insane, it's disturbed, plus it's everything and more I could want out of such an involvement with myself in a Meath Canyon video, which personally I've been dreaming of on some level ever since like years ago.

This guy drew a picture of me and posted it over on Instagram. At the time, as a result I was like, 'Oh, no. Am I getting like Meat-Canyoned or something?' While at the time, I would have most certainly enjoyed to see that roll out. It's even more amazing that it ended up happening later down the road, and I was involved to take part in it in some way.

Again, really happy with how this video came out. Meat Canyon continues to be one of my favorite YouTube animators of all time. And I hope you guys check out this video yourselves because it's so frigging good. And I'm going to leave it there.

Let me know what you think of it down in the comments. You're the best.

Anthony Fantano, Meat Canyon, Forever.

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