Cringing With Amber Rose

Hi, everyone. Anthony Fantano here, the internet's busiest music nerd, and it's time to cringe.

As you guys know, we are in the midst of an election season. It's an especially electiony season at the moment, especially given that the RNC just happened. And apparently, from what I've read, the music video and song that we're about to partake in was played there, much to the confusion of many in the crowd.

Of course, I'm talking about, you know him, you love him. Mr. Forgiato Blow, who we have covered before on the channel. But he's doing a special collaboration and crossover into a recent inductee into the right wing cesspool. That would be none other than Amber Rose.

Yes, famously pro-choice and pro-slut-walk organization person, former Kanye West girlfriend, Amber Rose. That Amber Rose. Apparently she's really into right-wing politics and crypto now. She's involved in this whole rigmarole with this song and music video as well, which is titled "Trump, Trump, Baby." Apparently, it's been floating around the internet for a few weeks now, but doesn't seem to have kicked up that much steam or views.

I think maybe Forgiato Blow's shtick is getting old, but I could be wrong. Either way, without any further ado, let's see what this new track with Amber Rose is all about. "Trump, Trump, Baby."

"It's the mayor. Magaville, Baby. Amber Rose."

A Vanilla Ice redo. Of all things, Rose, starring Amber Rose. Is she actually going to do anything on the track or is she just around? Also, God, is that a Donald Trump chain? Like a Trumphead mega hat chain? What self-respecting jewelry would make that?

"We're voting Donald Trump, baby. America needs savin'. America needs savin'."

God, it's so cringe. The cringe is deep. It cuts. This is a deep cringe. This is somehow even worse than the frigging target song. How does Forgiato Blow always figure out how to stoop to a new low? I'm amazed. I'm impressed, actually.

"Red, white, blue, MAGA Nation. Throw it up. Black, white, and brown."

Oh, yeah. We're just all coming together. Oh, man, it's all peace and love. It's all peace and love in the MAGA Nation. Unless you're trying to come into the country and you're not white, then you could drown.

"You're going to take your freedom, indicting our president because they can't beat us. It's a two-tier justice system. Two-tier. Put America-"

Yeah, it's a two-tier justice system. Guys like Trump, they're just constantly singled out all the time. They can't catch a break. The rich, the powerful, the politically connected, they have a really difficult go of life in our society, unfortunately.

"Now I pledge allegiance to vote for Trump. There's a red wave-"

Is Amber Rose going to do anything? Is she going to do anything? God, and is that an actual Gucci set that he's wearing? Is he wearing some actual Gucci? What a meatball. What a frigging meatball.

Is that a cyber truck? Elon Musk is so hard looking at this right now. He's just like, he's diamond. He's diamond level.

"Like Joe Biden up and throw the key away. Your propaganda ain't gonna work on me."

You're going to get it. Okay. Basically, we don't want Trump locked up. That's bad. Trump lock up bad, but Joe Biden lock up good.

If there's one thing that will not work on Forgiato Blow, it's propaganda. This man is a propaganda proof.

"It's a blood bath in the Oval Office."

The flow, man. The flow. The flow is... It's one of the flows of all time. I'll say that. God, this song is going to give me five or six different vocal ticks by the time it's over.

It's confusing because how can you be a pro-life Republican, but simultaneously be responsible for an abortion such as this? Yeah, this is not good. This is not good. Everything. The rapping, the oval office house, the weird little vocal quirks, the flow, the "Ice Ice Baby" crap. It's It's all baby crap. And I think I'll leave it there. I'm going to leave it there. I'm going to actually leave it in the trash can. It's going in the trash.

There you have it. "Trump, Trump, Baby". Forgiato Blow, Amber Rose. Let me know what you guys thought about this in the comments. I'm sure you will.

Anthony Fantano, Forgiato Blow. No more, please. No more.

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