Albums I Could Beat in a Fight

Hi and hello, everyone. Anthony Fantano here, the internet's busiest music nerd, here to explore a very important topic on the channel today. Could I fight things that are depicted on particular album covers? How successful would I be in that fight? The tier list is here, the one you all have really been waiting for.

Yeah, lately, as you have maybe seen on social media, your boy is Looking ready to rumble. And as a result, I may kick the ass of some of these album covers.

Arca - Kick I

The first cover that is on the chopping block is Arca's Kick I.

I'm going to be honest, I started off this whole thing with a lot of confidence, and I do think I am going to clean the floor with some of these covers. But Austen, who assembled all of these bits of album art over here, she's clearly trying to put me in a position where we're getting a really tough boss off the bat. I mean, maybe there is a Kick cover that I could take in a fight, but I don't know if it's kick one, honestly. Arca is looking pretty deadly in this image.

The legs most likely give her a lot of height. The blades on those claws are probably pretty damn sharp. I would have to really go in there and be careful and strategic about my body movement elements. Honestly, I'm very much a brute force individual. I don't know if I would have the grace and the dynamics and the control to be able to avoid those blades for long enough. If I do win against this battle, it's really going to be a struggle. I don't know. I'm probably going to put this in the D-row. I think it's going to be a difficult fight. It's doable, but it's going to be a tough one.

Katy Perry - Woman's World

Okay, next in the tracklist, we have cover art to Katy Perry's Woman's World.

Essentially, just a rip-off, a bad rip-off of Arca. And yeah, no question. This is pretty easy. I mean, for one, no claws. Two, the mecca legs seem really bulky and they would slow Katy Perry down. As a result, my movement and freedom of movement is probably going to be better than Perry's, even if the legs do seem like armored. The rest of everything, though, seems like it's completely unprotected. Then honestly, it's the rest of the body. That's where all your vitals are. Leg armor and leg protection is only going to do so much for you.

I guess my one fear is that the legs seem long. She can really get a good extension off of a kick. Yeah, I imagine Katie Perry, especially if she's doing roundhouses, could be throwing out some pretty powerful kicks, but I don't know. I'm not as fearful in this situation as I am with the Arca Kick I clause. I'm going to put this over in the B-Row. I'm pretty confident that I could take the Woman's World, Katy Perry album art.

Disturbed - Down with the Sickness

Okay, next, we have Disturbed's Down with yhe Sickness.

Weird little guy with his head poking out of a hole, a skin flap thing, like a human baby, human adult baby being born before our very eyes, and he's all white and pasty and freaky-looking. I mean, maybe he is a big, scary, freaky monster guy once he comes out of there. But as of right now, as he is currently depicted in the album art, I don't want to presume gender either. It could be a non-binary beast.

I mean, look, I can be a dirty fighter if I walk up on that thing and it's mid-birth, like it seems be in that photo. I'm not waiting for that thing to come out. I'm sorry, you're the one who came to this battle being birthed in the middle of it or whatever. I don't care. That's your stupid ass choice. I would not hesitate. I'm going to throw this over in the S row. I would clear the hell out of this thing pretty easily. Plus, the lead singer is a Zionist piece of garbage.

Joey Valence and Brae - No Hands

Alright, next in the list over here, we have Joey Valence and Brae on the cover of their new record, No Hands.

You know what? Honestly, I could take them. I could take them on this cover. Yeah, hell yeah. I mean, sure, you see the katana there, but it doesn't even look sharp. On top of it, The hair is just begging to be grabbed. You just grab it and then just pop a few in there. Meanwhile, one of them already looks scared. This is not going to be a tough fight, I don't think.

Look, granted, it's still two guys. I mean, two on one always going to be an uphill battle of some sort. Even if you're winning, that's a lot of fist to throw, but I could take care of business in a no-hand situation, that's for sure. I'm going to put this one over in the A row.

Bladee - Spiderr

Alright, next in the list, we have a Bladee's Spiderr, which I am not... Yeah, my hopes are not high for winning this battle.

I mean, that looks like some scary, dark, Scandinavian demigod, who is possibly between 30 and 40 feet tall, ripped with muscles, and on top of it, a scary spider in their hand. I got to fight with a scary spider, too? Yeah, to be quite honest, if I see this, I'm running away. I'm having nothing to do with this. This is not of interest to me. I'm going to put this in the F row for fast because that is how fast I'm going to be running away from from that.

Aphex Twin - Richard D. James

Next we have Aphex Twin, Richard D. James album.

I mean, Richard D. James just smiling there menacingly. I don't know. I could turn that smile into a frown pretty quick. Frankly, I think he's had scarier and more threatening album covers. This, I am absolutely not sweating. I'm not sweating that at all. If we were talking about the Come to Daddy album cover, I'd definitely be a bit more freaked out.

Like a bunch of scary Richard D. James-face people and figures who are maybe a part of a cult and all attacking me at once. That would be a lot scarier. That would be a lot freakier. Just one smiley guy, even if he does seem a little scary. Looking scary and being able to win in a fight, it's two totally different things. Just like a smiley guy face. I don't know. I'm not scared of that. I'm going to put this over in the S row. I would clear.

Dragonforce - Ultra Beatdown

Alright, next in the list, we have a Dragon Force's Ultra Beatdown, which is a pretty threatening album cover. I will give it that.

Hot, sexy, pink-haired, like Android looking mofo. Oh, my God, you're hot and you're going to kill me. That's a pretty freaky combination. On top of it, there's this really huge, futuristic, maybe laser-looking gattling gun in in their hand. Yeah, I would be blasted to bits by that pretty quickly. I'm not really sure if just I and I alone with my fist would stand much of a chance against this album art if I was in a fight with it. I don't know if I would run. I definitely wouldn't have the ability to, I don't think, because I don't think I would be able to outrun lasers. I would stand my ground, but pretty instantly, I think I would just be laser saw it in half. But at least I tried. I'm going to put it in E.

Kiss - Destroyer

Okay, moving on. We have Kiss's Destroyer.

Honestly, I'm not feeling too freaked out about it. Four guys in silly costumes, one of them being Gene Simmons, who I've been dying to fight for years. Absolutely. Plus, on top of it, if you look at them, they're all wearing big, silly platform shoes and boots, which, I mean, knocking them all respectively off their balance as a result of that should be pretty easy, even if you are talking about fighting four different guys at once.

I mean, I feel like I would have a harder time fighting Joey Valence and Brae in a way because they seem like two young, able-bodied boys. There's a katana, again, in the picture. Clearly, some martial arts training at play. Also, again, one of them is wearing a protection action vest.

Kiss, though, that's not even armor. Those are just silly costumes. Silly costumes, boots that really offset their center of balance. I think the destroyer would, frankly, be a cakewalk. I'm going to put this over in the S row. I would take care of business.

Bronson (2008)

Alright, next we have the soundtrack to the film 'Bronson.'

To be honest, I love this movie, and this is how I'm to be. Tom Hardy in this movie, for me, has always been goals as fuck, partially because I do not think taking him in a fight would be easy. And while I am working on it, I am not quite at this level yet. I think if I did win, it would be a very hard-fought win. A win would not come easy, that is for sure.

I'm probably going to put this one over in maybe D, maybe C, since at least with C. I'll give it a C because it's at least going to be a fair fight. It's going to be some fisticuffs. There's going to be a lot of physicality. There's not necessarily any weaponry involved that really knocks off the balance and fairness of the fight. Though being completely crazy and unhinged and out of control can most definitely work to your advantage in some instances, and that's most certainly what Bronson is.

Jason Aldeen - Try That in a Small Town

Moving on from there, we have Jason Aldeen, Try That in a Small Town.

I'm not afraid of this at all. You wouldn't even fucking know the shit I'm trying in a small town. There's absolutely nothing scary about a guy cut from Jason Aldeen's cloth who just basically makes a song of violence, porn about imagine things that are not happening in his town that he could engage in this stupid little power fantasy around and go fight with all of his good old boys. I would worry about if him and the good old boys were all depicted in this cover, but they're not. It's just him. This is lame. I'm going to put this over in A.

Look, I have no doubt that Jason Aldeen, he's been in a fight or two, could maybe really get down and dirty in the muck. But I think I would come out the victor in that situation.

Weezer - Red Album

Alright, next we have Weezer, Red Album.

I know that a lot of people think and talk about Weezer and just think like, Oh, they're dumb. They're nerds. But you got to consider, like Weezer, Red Album. At that point in their career, they're at a relative physical and commercial peak. Plus, on top of it, it's four dudes, and none of them are wearing silly shoes or costumes. Also, none of them are Gene Simmons.

Red Album era Weezer, I do not think I'm likely to take. I mean, maybe like Blue Album era Weezer, where they were all like, young, green around the ears, maybe like a little weak. They didn't have those dad bods going. The muscle tone wasn't up. Over here on Red Album, the band is a bit more rough and tumbled and experienced. You know for a fact that Rivers Cuomo could throw a pretty sick left hook. And once more, it's four dudes just all at once, going at you like crazy. Two of them could hold your arms, the other one could hold your legs. Meanwhile, Rivers is just stomping you out.

So, I'm not really thinking this fight is going to be great for me. If I did, in fact, have to fight Red Album, Weezer, it would be a difficult one. I mean, I would put up my best shot, but I don't know if it would work out well for me. I'm going to put it in the D row.

Earle Sweatshirt - Some Rap Songs

Okay, moving on from there, we have Earle's Some Rap Songs. I don't know about this, man. This is freaky. I know a lot of the time, Earle can come across as a very sleepy, chill, contemplative guy, but you know that he's got that scary sleep paralysis demon somewhere in there with him, and he probably has the ability to hypnotize you if he wanted to. I'm not sure if a fight in this context.

I'm not sure if a fight with some rap songs would end well for me, frankly. He already looks like he's chasing you from behind. I'm a little scared and freaked out, honestly. Earl would definitely play some mind games that I would not be down with. I'm going to put this probably in the D row. I'm not looking forward to a fight with the some rap songs cover art, that's for sure.

Judas Priest - Jugulator

Next, we have this weird ass metal robot killer-looking thing from Judas Priest, Juggulator.

I'm having a hard time gauging the size, but whether or not this thing is 5 feet or 15 feet tall, I feel like I'm getting smoked here. Even if I could land a few punches and kicks on it and really get a grasp of it, it seems like it's just covered in razor-sharp everything. Even if I was able to lay hands on it, that may just actually end up doing damage on me. I can't imagine myself getting much of anything in edgewise here unless I had some weapon to even the odds and maybe keep it as some distance. But again, given the stipulation of this situation, I don't think I have that.

This thing is most likely slicing me into a million pieces and consuming me whole. I'm going to put this over in the F row. Definitely not looking forward to a battle with that thing.

Oliver Tree - Ugly Is Beautiful

Okay, going on from there, we have the cover art to Oliver Tree's Ugly Is Beautiful.

S. Totally taking that. With the pants and the coat? I'm getting a handful of that bowl cut. I'll tell you that. And what is he going to do with those balloons? Nothing.

Going in the S row. Handled.

Ozzy Osbourne - Bark at the Moon

Next, we have Ozzy Osbourne on the cover of Bark at the Moon.

If we were talking about a genuine werewolf here, I'm pretty freaked out. I definitely do not think I could take a werewolf, a whenwolf, a whowolf, or even a whywolf. But an Ozzywolf, I don't know. It seems like, visually speaking, not all that threatening and really just something out of a bad theater production. He looks like a shaggy version of the Lion from 'The Wizard of Oz', and I know I could take that shit. So, yeah, I mean, maybe he's got some fangs, and I definitely don't want to get bit.

I'm not afraid of the Aussie wereewolf unless he has some super wereewolf strength, which maybe I'll steal, man, this situation and say that he does. I'm not really worrying too much about Ossie werewolf. I'm going to put this in the B. I think it'll be a decent battle, but one that I will pass with flying colors.

Björk - Volta

Okay, next we have Björk on the cover of Volta.

No fucking way. No, no goddamn way. I can't. No possible way. I would get stomped out immediately. I would get stomped. I would get dropped. I would get body flopped. I mean, look at those feet, bro. You get kicked one time with that, your ribs are just broken, just like, shattered into a thousand pieces. There's no recovery from that.

And then beyond that, what do you do? Where do you punch? Where do you kick? You can't even give that thing a headlock. I think your best bet maybe is to shove the Björk Volta album art over, and maybe it will lack the ability to get back up. But that's presuming. For sure, that thing has probably been knocked over before, maybe even lays down when it sleeps and then gets up on its own. So I can't presume that it doesn't have the capacity to flip itself back up, upright in the way that maybe a turtle couldn't, per se, if it was on the back of its shell. Yeah, I'm not getting that sense from this.

This seems like... I'm going to take the L here. I'm going to put it in the E row. I just don't see how I would even go about taking that thing. I think my best bet would be to outrun it. I'm going to put that over in E.

Jack Harlow - Jackman

Next, it's Jack Harlow on the Jackman album cover.

Sure, Jack Harlow. Looking a bit ripped, looking like he's in good shape in a back alleyway. I think Jack could scrap up. He's I've probably been in a scrap or two, and I'm not going to totally discount it. It could be a win, but I don't think it's necessarily going to be an easy one. We're going to put it in the C. I think Jack could most certainly hold his own.

Death Grips - No Love Deep Web

Austen has seen fit to put in here the No Love Deep Web album art.

Fighting a PP? I think I could do that. I wrestle with my own on a regular basis, and I win that every time. Here we have a smaller one that has writing on it, and those changes in the dynamic do not threaten me. I feel like I could put this over in the S row, and I do not know why Austin did not send me an edited version of that cover.

50 Cent - The Massacre

Okay, next, we have 50 Cent from The Massacre album cover.

Back in the day, no lie, 50 was a beast, man. Bro was really taking care of himself and was looking amazing all the time. I may not have a big fan of this cover, may not have been a big fan of the music on this album, but 50 himself, I would not want to scrap with at this point in the career, that is for sure.

I would put this over in the C I think it would be a tough fight. I don't think it would be easy, and potentially one that I could lose, too. But it's definitely not like a wiping the floor with the situation thing, like with all of these album covers that land well above it. That's for sure.

Swans - My Father Will Guide Me up a Rope to the Sky

Okay, next, we have Swans Rope to the Sky album art.

What is this? What am I doing here? Am I fighting the Cosmos? Like a galaxy? I don't think I could do that. I think I would lose to a... I think a galaxy would destroy me. Astroids, gas giants, black holes. I'd be dead pretty instantly, I think.

Yeah, I'm going to put that in the F. I would fail at that pretty immediately. I don't think I could take on a whole galaxy. I know my limitations.

Ken Snyder - By Request Only

Okay, and finally, last album art here for fighting is Ken's By Request Only.

I think I could wreck Ken. Maybe not easily. I mean, Ken seems like pretty confident in himself. He's got that chiseled jaw, that nice little clef chin. Also, a man with that mustache can probably throw a punch or two. It would be difficult. It would be a hard, fought win, that is for sure. I'm going to put this one in the B, and I think we will B done with this as a result.

Those are my thoughts on whether or not I could take any of these bits of album art in a fight. We have a pretty good mix over here. A lot of things that I could most definitely take, a lot of things that would be a struggle to fight for sure. I think I'm going to leave it there. Which of these pieces of album art do you think you could take in a fight?

Anthony, Album Art, Fights, Forever.

What do you think?

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