Snoop Dogg joins house band at Nashville honky tonk bar

Snoop Dogg joins house band at Nashville honky tonk bar

Dylan Tarre

Between Snoop Dogg's appearance at the Olympics last year, and showing up at Donald Trump's presidential inauguration party, it's becoming increasingly less surprising to see Snoop pop up anywhere and everywhere. Enter Nashville, Tennessee's Lower Broadway or "Honky Tonk Highway" as it's affectionately known.

While you might typically expect to see Kid Rock (he does own a bar down there, after all), you might not expect to see Snoop slide by. Recently though, on March 9, he showed up at Losers Most Wanted Bar & Grill in Nashville, a small venue with a capacity of around 500.

During the appearance, Snoop performed a quick version of his classic, “Gin And Juice,” much to the chagrin of pretty much everyone there.

Dylan Tarre

San Francisco, CA


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