Rick Springfield working to repair "brain damage" after fall 25 years ago
Rick Springfield via Instagram

Rick Springfield working to repair "brain damage" after fall 25 years ago

Dylan Tarre

Rick Springfield has opened up to People about recent insights gained from a whole-body MRI scan. The 75-year-old musician told the magazine that the scan indicated lingering brain damage from a rough fall he had onstage in Las Vegas back in 2000.

Springfield recounted the incident, stating, “I fell 25 feet, hit my head and then wood came down and hit my head, and then my head hit the stage again.” Initially he thought he only suffered a wrist injury, but he was surprised to learn of the extent of the damage after the MRI.

"I thought I had just broken my wrist, but on the scan I found out I have some brain damage from the fall, so I'm working on trying to repair that."

Springfield said many might “not want to know what’s wrong with them,” but he sees things differently. His father's experience with undiagnosed health issues made him more aware of his own health. Springfield shared, “My dad died from not wanting to know… it could have been fixed if he had gotten it checked out.”

In his quest to stay alive as long as possible, Springfield still maintains a fitness regimen that includes a mostly pescatarian diet, plus exercise. He has also scaled back his alcohol consumption.

“I was drinking quite a bit… as you get older, it’s kind of a natural thing to drop all that s—. I’m not [in] AA — I mean, I know a lot of people it’s worked for. I’ll have a couple of sips of vodka or something when I’m onstage, but I don’t drink any other time."

As for his exploration of substances, he's now looking into “micro-dosing,” though Springfield commented, “I don’t mean to push drugs on anyone, but I’m not averse to anything that helps me be happier and a better person.”

With the release of Volume 2 of his Greatest Hits album and the upcoming I Want My '80s tour scheduled to begin on May 28, Springfield faces mortality head on, saying, "It’s not a death wish by any stretch… I think I have a better handle on dying than I used to.”

Dylan Tarre

San Francisco, CA


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