Lil Yachty's remarks on Drake and Kendrick beef result in him leaving the internet

Lil Yachty's remarks on Drake and Kendrick beef result in him leaving the internet

In a recent livestream, rapper Lil Yachty declared his departure from the online realm, stating, "I ain't posting no more shit. I ain't posting no fits. I ain't got shit to say. I'm deleting the apps off my phone."

The decision follows his involvement yesterday, July 31, in discussions on Andrew Schulz’s Flagrant podcast regarding the Drake and Kendrick beef, as well as contentious remarks concerning fashion in NYC and Atlanta made on Yachty's A Safe Place podcast.

In the Flagrant podcast, Lil Yachty said that Drake appeared unbothered by the feud, indicating, "He didn't care, he was genuinely unfazed" later saying that Drake would be president one day. Drake, who holds citizenship in both the US and Canada but was born as a Canadian citizen, is not eligible to run for President of the United States.

This comes after a recent episode of A Safe Place, where Yachty commented:

"Everyone used to just kinda copy Atlanta. You said it yourself. You just said even like the influence was extremely heavy from Atlanta. … As far as style goes, I don’t think it’s shit going on when it comes to New York fashion."

In his live stream today, August 1, Lil Yachty mentioned that he was obliged to continue his podcast commitments but let fans know of his intention to abstain from further online activity for the time being, saying "I think I'm gone for the rest of the year."

He said:

I'm getting the fuck off the internet. I'm not doing no more talking. I ain't got shit else to say. I'm gone off this internet shit. I think I'm gone for the rest of the year. I swear to God, I ain't talking, I ain't got shit else to say. Contracted to do this podcast shit, unfortunately. Contracted to, but I ain't posting no more shit. I ain't posting no fits. I ain't got shit to say. I'm deleting the apps off my phone. Swear to god. I'm so off this site. I ain't tweetin'. I'm minding my fucking business.

The full Flagrant podcast with Lil Yachty can be seen here:

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Dylan Tarre

San Francisco, CA


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