Japanese Breakfast release video for "Picture Window"
Photo by Katie Summer

Japanese Breakfast release video for "Picture Window"

Japanese Breakfast's long awaited fourth album For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women) is out today, and with it comes a music video for album track "Picture Window", directed by frontwoman Michelle Zauner herself.

The video was shot in Seoul, where she briefly moved to write the record and her follow-up to her memoir Crying In H-Mart. Watch below:

Zauner says of the album:

Over the course of promoting this new album I’ve often been asked to clarify the difference between melancholy and sadness. I think of melancholy as a kind of anticipatory grief, one that comes from an acknowledgment of the passage of time, from the recognition of mortality and finitude. In some way, too, I think it marks the artist’s condition, constantly observing through that lens ... 'Nothing thicker than a knife's blade separates happiness from melancholy,’ Virginia Woolfe writes. I wanted this album to capture the moments where that knife slips. When people want too much, when they cede to temptation, when they are seduced and punished.

For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women) is out now via Dead Oceans.

Leah Weinstein

Philadelphia, PA

writer, music business student, and snail mail apologist

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