Hi, everyone. Sickthony Puptano here, the Internet's busiest music nerd. And ugh. Enter Fyre Fest 2. A one of a kind, exclusive luxury music festival experience for everyone. Guaranteed to blow minds and change your life.
Now, I know some people watching my videos are kind of young and might not have the full context for what Fyre Fest is. It has really been a while since Fyre Fest has been in the headlines. But for anybody who needs to know, Fyre Fest again is a music festival. Quite possibly the greatest music festival of all time. I mean, here's a picture of how good it was.

Here's also a headline talking about how great the festival was, "Festivalgoers paid up to $49,000 for Ja Rule's bash in the Bahamas, and got chaos instead." And believe it or not, this festival was so great, so amazing, so game changing that the guy who started the festival, he went to jail because the big festival people, the big festival police, they were like, 'Okay, this guy is changing things up. Shaking, moving and shaking. Shaking things up. Yeah, we can't just allow that to happen. Us being Big Festival, we can't just let that happen. No way. This guy's got to go to jail.' But they couldn't keep him in prison forever because, you know, coming up with a totally badass festival with Ja, it's not a crime, no matter how many trumped up charges they get our boy on.
And yeah, you know, ever since he's been out, out and about, it has been his number one goal, his one passion, his one focus, his one chance Mom's Spaghetti Festival. Fyre. Fyre Festival 2.
"Fyre 2 is real." - Billy McFarland
A festival that's going to be so good, the place in Mexico where it is allegedly being held, Mexico's all like, "Oh yeah, that's totally happening. That's cool. We're excited for that. That's going to happen. That's a thing that's going to happen." And just recently, one more piece of information that has dropped to further solidify the existence of Fyre Fest 2 is that Fyre Fest 2 has booked its first official artist.

Yep. As it would seem, the Fyre Festival 2 lineup is heating up. Now, who is this mystery artist, you may ask? Who's really lighting up the Fyre Festival 2 bill? Is it Tyler, The Creator? Is it Taylor Swift? Is it Chappell Roan? Is it Drake? No, no. To all four of those, it's someone even better and more surprising, former NFL star Antonio Brown, who has uploaded numerous songs to the Internet under the name A.B.
"Hey, yo, this A.B. and I'll be performing at Fyre Fest Part 2 in Mexico May 30th. Be there or be square." - Antonio Brown
And I mean with tracks like "Literally", I understand why he would be like at the front of the line when it comes to priorities with who's getting booked on the fire fest bill.
Okay, you know what? Honestly, like this beat so far, the ad libs, all that. It's like combination Drake, Pusha T all rolled into one. How. How are we handling this? How does this just have 1 million views on it?
"You had this for a second / We ride this till infinity / Been in my bag, I got a bag out of Italy / I'm in this bit going dumb, literally / Yeah, I be going illiterate. Literally."
Wow. I mean it, it has, it has everything. It has words, it has beat. It has white girl sort of like squatting down for a second. I mean what more could you want? I mean in my Fyre Fest? Nothing. I want nothing more in my Fyre Fest. Here's another song called "Click It" that he's done. And okay, first off, kudos because I feel like more hip hop artists out there should be doing anthems about the importance of safety belt usage. But also I'm. I'm a little, you know, dismayed by his military helmet JPEG mafia vibe esthetic ripoff that's going on here. I don't think this guy is veteran or ex military. Maybe I'm wrong.
Yeah, I mean banger track. Top ten track of all time. And I really love the features from... And you know what, people in the comments agree with the stuff that I'm saying to you right now about how good this song is.
All star vibes. Victory certified Superstar Takeover. Fire emoji with a star. Beast mode engaged. No stopping this wave. On top forever with a trophy and a fire emoji. Super bowl mentality with a football and a fire emoji. Lights out Energy.
That is a completely 100% real not botted comment section of actual opinions people have. But yeah, with Antonio Brown in the mix, this upcoming Fyre Fest 2 is looking pretty fire. It's really shaping up between, you know, really getting the location secured and the music squared away. For sure, Fyre Fest 2 is going to go every bit as hard as Fyre Fest 1. And it's probably going to be so good and shake up the festival industry so bad they're to need to put this guy in jail for two times as long as they did last time. They're going to be like, 'Man, this. This guy's just too good at festivals. He has to go to prison. He's got to go to prison.'
So, yeah, let me know in the comments. Are you guys going to Fyre Fest too? Did you. Have you bought your tickets? Who are you most excited to see? Are you performing? I would love to hear in the comments from anybody performing at Fyre Fest 2 or from some of those lovely individuals that were commenting on the Antonio Brown music video.
Anybody in the comments who wants to pop up and say, like, fire opinion Anthony, pencil, fire emoji, cool, awesome, good review, Fantano. And then put a CD and a heart. Or, if also in the comments, you want to type super bowl mentality. Super bowl, literally with a football. Champions League cup trophy. Champions League cup trophy. All those comments are welcome and encouraged.
But yeah, you know, you can catch me at Fyre Fest 2 making tons of content when it's here, the time that it takes to get here. I don't want to say specifically when it's happening, just in case anybody watching this video is dumb enough to buy tickets. But yeah, you know, Fyre Fest 2, it's probably going to be one of the festivals of the year, that's for sure.
Let me know what you think about all this.
Anthony Fantano. Fyre Festival. Forever.
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