Elucid's new video series reveals creative inspiration for 'Revelator'
Alexander Richter

Elucid's new video series reveals creative inspiration for 'Revelator'

In the lead-up to his new record, Revelator, New York rapper Elucid has begun a video series detailing the inspiration and backstory behind the album, beginning with "Revelator - Channel 1".

"Channel 1's" audio journal presentation is accompanied by both ominous whirring and kaleidoscopic projections, occasionally interrupted by relevant photos, so it seems Elucid can't help but experiment even when doing something as straightforward as discussing his own music.

In the video, he describes the creative process of trying to formulate the record while touring of the 2023 album We Buy Diabetic Test Strips, released under the Armand Hammer name alongside billy woods. He claims Revelator was a product of searching for new forms of inspiration on the road.

Elucid also named some familiar producers that listeners should expect on the record. These include August Fanon and DJ Haram, as well The Lasso, who collaborated with Elucid for an entire record titled Don't Play It Straight under the name Small Bills in 2020. It's expected that with each of these videos, more information will be divulged.

Revelator releases on October 11 via Fat Possum Records.

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