Hey, everyone. Anthony Fantano here, the internet's busiest music nerd. I hope you're doing well.

Albums. Album titles. They can get pretty long and dicey sometimes, making it difficult to have easy and efficient conversations about them on the internet because I'm just trying to recommend this record, and all of a sudden I got to type out this 50-word album title. Like, what the hell? I get it, though. There are only so many albums you can name, like one word or a couple of words or something like that. So some artists are going to get creative and quite lengthy with their album titles. That's where album title acronyms come in.

But have you ever been observing some music convo online and all these acronyms are getting rattled off and you have no clue what the fuck anybody is talking about? That's my life every day. It's truly something I have to fix and deal with. I figured, what an opportunity this presents to do a piece of content where Austen essentially challenges me to recognize a bunch of album title acronyms, which I'm going to be honest, my hopes for getting all of these is not high because in the wake of giving Brat by Charli XCX of 10, I saw a bunch of people talking about other records that I've given 10s, abbreviating all of the titles. I was like, Wait, which one is which? What? What the fuck?

I have about 12 album title acronyms here. Let's see how good I do.


Seems Austen is kicking things off easy here, really easing me into this whole thing. We have TKOL, which is very, obviously The King of Limbs. Very weak, but very recognizable Radiohead album title, acronym-wise, that's for sure.


I think we're also keeping it pretty easy, at least for me, on number two over here, SFTB, which being a Swans addict, I'm pretty sure off the bat is Soundtracks For the Blind. Soundtracks has to be one word. So that's Soundtracks For the Blind. Okay, so feeling good. Two down, 10 more to go.


Number three, WWAFADWDWG. What the fuck album title is this? What would this even be? When We Something? When what? When we what, where? When We Ask For All White Dogs When Going. God, I've probably heard this album a million times, too. What the fuck? Okay, I don't know this one. I don't know it. Yeah, I don't know this one. Austen's just going to tell you guys what it is. I feel like a dumb ass.

When We All Fall Asleep Where Do We Go?


Okay, moving on to number four. My hopes are still not high for TEAATB. T-e-a-a-t-b? What the hell happened in this T-E-A-T-B? T-e-a-t-b? What the hell is T-E-A-T-B? The... Everything. Tell everyone all ways, air, the breath. God, you couldn't make these easier. What is wrong with you? T-e-a-t-b? T-e-a-t-b. I bet I bet I have listened to all of these. I own all of these, or I've reviewed them. I'm... This whole video is going to be me struggling. Oh, man. Okay. I give up. I give up. I give up. I give up. Number five. Fuck


C-l-a-l-a-r... C-a-l... I'm too dyslexic for this shit. C-a-l-a-l-a-r-v-o-b? What is What is that? Call, Alive, Love, Always, Live, Always, Ride, God. I should have told Austen there's a letter limit for these. There's a letter limit. No more than five letters. I have in the faintest idea. I really do not the faintest idea. Fuck. Why is this so hard?


Okay, number 6, ATMP. Couldn't you have done In the Court of the Crimson King or something? Something easy like that? All the... Just trying to think of classic albums or something that might be titled that. Okay, I'm giving up on number 6, too. I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated. I'm overwhelmed. I don't know what to do.


Okay, number 7, I know. It's Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. Got that one. Number 7 is in the Bag. I know some Flaming Lips.


Number 8 is a record I have also given a 10. That is Sinner Get Ready. Bam. Another one up on the board for your guy. So I have four. And one, two, three, four. Okay, so I'm four for four. I'm half and half now, which I'm not feeling too bad I read about.


But number nine, IDMTHY, which I should know this one. I've seen this one used a lot. I've seen this one typed out numerous times on social media in my comments. I've seen it around. Come on, you can do it. IDMTHY. IDMTHY. The Year. No. I don't think I'm getting this one either. And I've seen it. I've seen it so many times.


Now, in this list, Austen threw a little trick, a little left hook, a little switcheroo, and said that one of the acronyms is, in fact, not an album title, but a band name. And it might be Maudlin of the Well. Maybe. That's my guess. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Austin can flame me. But I know Austen messes with some Tobey Driver, so that may, in fact, be what that is.


Eleven, ACLAM. ACLAM. I've seen this one around, too. I've seen this one around quite often, actually. All Cace, All Sees, All Clean. All cringe liars are money. A case, a cream, a crack leg all Mondays. A crank leaves a mouse. A cat leaves a mouse. A calm, a calm, a care, a cat. I wish I could phone a friend But I have no friends.


Number 12, STGSTV. God, I've seen this one, too. I should know this. Swear to God, swear to Vishnu. Final answer. I'm Just googling all of these now for my own sanity.


Which one is this one? Oh, Clipping. Clipping. There existed an addiction to blood. I should know that. I should know that, obviously. Not to say that it isn't or hasn't It's been acronymed. It most certainly has. Who the hell wants to type that whole thing out? But I haven't seen them at enough time for it to register, probably.


C-a-l-a-l-a-r-v-o-b. Okay. Common As Light And Love Our Red Valleys Of Blood. Got it, got it, got it. I did like that one quite a bit. And yeah, who the hell wants to type out that entire title?


Atmp? All Things Must Pass. Okay, valid. Fair. George Harrison. Makes sense.


Okay, this one's actually going to be devastating. Idmthy. Because again, it even says I-M-D-T-H-Y vinyl. God, what is this? I Didn't Mean To Haunt You. Oh, Quadeca. I should know that. I should know that.


MOTW. Is that Maudlin? I'm just going to presume I'm right on that one.


Okay, Acklam. What is Acklam? What is Acklam supposed to be? I can't quite find it. Maybe I'm an idiot. Acklam,R eddit. Let's maybe look up. Let's talk about albums. A Crow Looked At Me. Oh, my God. A Crow Looked At Me.


Okay, last one. STGSTV. Spirit, They're Gone Spirit, They've Vanished. Animal Collective. AnCo. You know, I thought Austen might throw an AnCo one in there, but not any of the obvious ones. Though, actually, sorry, no. To any AnCo fan, that one is probably frigging goddamn obvious.

Okay, well, as it turns out, I'm pretty crappy at album title acronyms. There we go. That's me being terrible at that.

Anthony Fantano, album titles of Forever.

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