
  • deep end

    Previously enjoyed Take Over And Destroy, a.k.a. TOAD, have a new album on the way titled Vacant Face. Considering I love loud, rowdy, melodic sludge metal, I am looking forward to the release of this new record. The band has seen fit to allow yours truly to premiere

  • album

    Fire Keeper by The Daniel Rosenboom Quintet Digging on some fiery jazz rock from this new Daniel Rosenboom Quintet album, Fire Keeper. The kinetic energy in the performances on this thing is m-a-s-s-i-v-e. The production is a little flat at times, but the performances are just stellar throughout.

  • Whimsical, delicate, and moving, these five new tracks from singer-songwriter Shara Worden–a.k.a. My Brightest Diamond–make for a pretty captivating lead-up to her next full-length album, which is dropping later this year. We actually shared a track from it a little while ago. Seems like a pretty

  • 2014

    A new track from Icelandic rock outfit Sólstafir. Over the years, the band has built an international reputation off its long, expansive, and epic songs. At nine minutes, this new track is nothing to shrug your shoulders at. It’s got every from glacial walls of guitar to a plucky

  • 2014

    Nick Zammuto–formerly of The Books–has a new solo album on the way. As you may recall, I dug this dude’s last full-length, so, of course, I’m looking forward to what he’s going to be dishing up on this latest record of his. The title: Anchor.

  • 2014

    A soft, uplifting piano ballad from Marketa Irglova, which is the name of a Czech singer-songwriter who currently resides in Ireland, I believe. She’s about to drop her sophomore full-length album, which is titled Muna, in September. Look for this LP on ANTI-, and just allow yourself to be

  • 2014

    ANTI-VAGUE by CRABE Québec band Crabe has a new record up on Bandcamp that lives up to its title: Anti-Vague. There’s nothing faint or subtle about this duo’s rough and eccentric approach to indie rock. They create a serious ruckus for just two dudes, and their songs are

  • 2014

    The Joys of Employment by Vulture Shit Some freakish, frenzied punk rock on this new Vulture shit EP, which you can stream via the widget above. If you love manic vocals and wild guitars compressed into brief musical blitzkriegs, then this is for you. Enjoy!

  • 2014

    Want by Wreck And Reference The previously reviewed music duo known as Wreck and Reference has a new album out. In case you’re unfamiliar with these guys, I’d steer clear of this album unless you’re looking for something supremely dark, tortured, and depressing. Beyond the emotional aspects

  • Sells/Cells by Sadsic Previously reviewed beatmusic producer Sadisc drops a new EP, which is essentially a few odds and ends surrounding a massive, 20-minute monster of a track. The song is titled “Cells,” and it’s really a test of Sadsic’s abilities as a composer, weaving a group