hiss spun
Chelsea Wolfe’s foray into the slow and heavy sounds of doom/atmospheric sludge metal is admirable and mostly successful, but does come with some growing pains.
Here’s the second single from Chelsea Wolfe’s heavy new album Hiss Spun. “Vex” has pretty much all the qualities I liked about “16 Psyche,” but I especially love the grim, growled vocals lent by Aaron Turner this time. Hiss Spun is out September 22 through Sargent House.
In 2015, Chelsea Wolfe released her heaviest record to date, Abyss, and judging from “16 Psyche” here, it seems things are only going to get heavier and darker on her next record, Hiss Spun. A doom metal album recorded by Chelsea Wolfe and Kurt Ballou? That’s a wet nightmare