
  • 2013

    Electronic music producer Nosaj Thing is dropping a new full-length album next week via Innovative Leisure titled Home. “Safe” is one of the tracks from it, and it’s a beautifully crafted piece of nocturnal bliss. The warm and synthetic tones, subtle percussion, and spacey vocal cuts all compliment each

  • On this new collaborative effort from Tim Hecker and Daniel Lopatin, the two artists combine their respective approaches to ambient and experimental music in a way even the most casual fans can predict. That’s not a bad thing, though. Where this album falls short is in writing and execution,

  • Brainfeeder’s Gaslamp Killer embarks on his most ambitious project yet, delivering an album worth of tracks that features an array of glitchy and textured hip hop instrumentals that feature an array of sounds, styles, and musical guests. WATCH THE REVIEW

  • 2012

    A new track from the grimy, dark beatmaster himself, the Gaslamp Killer. Last I heard of this guy, he was producing Gonjasufi’s a Sufi and a Killer, and putting out an EP that I reviewed pretty well. I’m excited to hear that on Sept. 18th, he’s gonna

  • beat

    Using the sounds of West Africa as inspiration and sampling material, the hip hop-influenced beats Débruit produces are uniquely colorful. The foreign flavors on his new album, From the Horizon, definitely give his music an otherworldly quality, but what ultimately makes this album so intriguing are Débruit’s production chops.

  • Bristol producer Stumbleine is gearing up to release a compilation titled Ghosting, which will feature tracks from three EPs he’s created over the past two years. The blue 12″ is set for release via Hija De Colombia on the 22nd of June, and it’s streamable via the widget

  • aeroc

    A full stream of a mid-December release from Ghostly International. Though this album’s release date will probably keep it from appearing on many year-end lists, Aeroc’s R+B=? is surely a must-visit for those into the more glitch’d side of IDM. Some of the percussive sounds here

  • AGORA Regathered by Derek Piotr Producer Derek Piotr released an album earlier this year, AGORA, that lead sounds down dark, twisted, and manipulated tunnels of ambient, noise, and experimental music. To follow up the album, Piotr has recently amassed a series of AGORA remixes created by producers who are as

  • edit

    MP3 Nick Zammuto, member of the The Books, has a personal project. Fans of arty, glitchy cut-up music could be pleased by this first track, “Yay.” Others might be bemused, or irritated, by the by-the-numbers digital splicing offered here. Either way, if your appetite is whetted, Zammuto says his new

  • On hit latest release, Amon Tobin isn’t building songs as much as he is sounds. The textures on most of this album are absolutely amazing, and among the best this Brazilian electronica producer has ever created. I love how abstract, adventurous, and mind-bending the first two thirds of this