
  • allure

    1. The Sound of Arrows- “Magic” (Tom Staar Remix) 2. The Beatles- “And I Love Her” (Allure Remix) 3. Vaetxh- “Clipper” (Culprate Remix) 4. Bambounou- “Heroïc Deeds” (Darling Farah Remix) 5. Zomby- “Alothea” (Rusuden Remix) 6. Little Dragon- “Ritual Union” (Tensnake Remix)

  • Little Dragon’s third album comes after a move toward accessibility on 2009’s machine dreams, but doesn’t go further down that path. Making things simpler to gain a wider audience just seems like something a band in Little Dragons’ shoes would do, though. They’ve had plenty of

  • Yalls by Yalls Oakland-based producer-singer Yalls makes quirky synth pop music that sounds close to what Baths would be if he spent more time listening to old funk records. Yalls’ new, MJ MJ-released album is nineteen tracks of manipulated, cartoonified vocals dancing over squawky bass and funky synths. The album’

  • MP3 Chrome Sparks is the solo effort of Ann Arbor twentysomething Jeremy Malvin. The Midwest music student sounds like he self-records, which is nothing new in 2011, but what’s refreshing here is this guy’s straightforward sound. The music isn’t hidden behind effects and off mixing, and it’

  • From the forthcoming M83 album, Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming, the track “Midnight City” is a super-sized pop song with synthetic mountains majesty. It’s structured simply, but that doesn’t stop the sounds and energy on this thing from becoming overwhelming. So overwhelming, that dancing must occur. Dance. Please.

  • dza

    Zoo Keeper by DZA It’s a new EP of original joints from Russian beatmeister, DZA. The EP’s titled Zoo Keeper, and I’m loving the cross section of sounds this thing is working with. The sounds on this thing may be pretty simple, pretty skeletal, but they’re

  • beats

    Flying dropped two tracks via SoundCloud just 11 hours ago as I’m writing this post. I assume they’re new. It’s not like the songs’ respective “descriptions” leave us much to go on: “heave (n) mix2” description: “wevgouweowowweououyouw” “lullaby” description: “wegfwejjjkwjhhjhkjjh” Take those for what you will. As

  • Huzzah! M83 has seen fit to drop a track from its forthcoming double album, Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming. The track is titled “Midnight City,” and it’s streaming right now via SoundCloud. It’s also downloadable on M83’s website. If “Midnight City” is any indicator, this album is

  • acoustic

    A new video from the new collaborative album between electronica producer Jon Hopkins and one of the UK’s more prolific singer-songwriters, King Creosote. I wouldn’t call myself an expert on either of these musicians, but I knew enough to be kind of surprised by the pairing. Hopkins’ and

  • The good people at NPR Music have seen fit to put the new Little Dragon album up on their website. It’s streaming in full until what I imagine will be its release date on July 26th via Peacefrog Records. Ritual Union is the Swedish band’s third album. Click