Charli XCX, Lorde, Post Malone, Aphex Twin

Charli XCX, Lorde, Post Malone, Aphex Twin

Hi, everyone. Anthony Fantano here, internet's busiest music nerd. Hope you're doing well. It's time for a weekly track, Roundup. My Thoughts, My Feelings on a bunch of songs that have dropped over the past week or so. Whether I loved them or hated them or felt somewhere in between. They are all linked down below, so you could check them out for yourselves.

Ba-bam. Starting with the new Tones And I track "Dance with Me", really obviously going for a dance cut on this one, but the vocals are painfully annoying, and I cannot stand it, would not want to listen again. Thank you.

We also have a new one from Post Malone, "Pour Me a Drink," featuring Blake Shelton. He has gone full frigging country on this one. I mean, we already knew it was going to happen. We saw the transition coming from a mile away with the outfit changes and the live performances and obviously the previous single he put out. But I mean, he's really going into corny commercial country bullshit pretty frigging hard. "Just come out and pour me a drink." Like, Jesus Christ, man. It's cringe. It's awful. But he's going to make a boatload of money doing it.

Also have over here this new track from DJ Mustard, Travis Scott, "Parking Lot." My God, this is more embarrassing than Travis Scott's run in with the law this past week. His bars on this track are trash, absolute cringe. Some of the worst bars he's ever put onto a track. He pretty much ruined a perfectly good DJ Mustard beat. That's really all I can say. Let's move on from here.

We have Ice Spice's latest single from her forthcoming album, Y2K, "Phat Butt." Boring beat, underwhelming flow, where it sounds like she's reading off of a page, and a stale Nicki Minaj flow, and not even a really strong chorus on it either. I don't get it. It's just pretty meh. Not really interesting at all. Moving on.

Camila Cabello, "Chanel No. 5." New solo single from her record, and once again, she sounds like she's trying too hard to be weird and quirky and experimental. I feel like there's a decent tune at the core of this one, but it's just overloaded with obnoxious instrumental antics and an auto-tune that doesn't even really complement her voice. Yeah, it's just a big mistake.

All right, the tracks I was on the fence with, you might like them more than me, though. They are as follows. We have this new one from GloRilla, "TGIF". Just a big weekend banger about getting out there, partying, having a good time. No more, no less. It's okay.

We also have the closing track from the forthcoming Fontaines D.C. album, "Favorite." It's really got this throwback '90s, jangle pop, rock, sound, almost a little R.E.M. at points. And while it's not bad, tune is solid, vibes are on point. It's very redundant, and I think the length of the track doesn't necessarily get justified by the very one-dimensional structure. I'll say that.

We also have this new one from Burial over here. It's a crossover single with Kode9. But Burial's side, "Phoneglow," is not one of his best tracks. I think it has the makings of a really great 10-minute burial-type anthem, but there's too many weird, choppy, disjointed parts that don't even really come together all that well. Lots of gaps of silence that don't even really add that much to the song. It just feels like it's starting and then stopping, and then starting, and then stopping, and then starting, and then stopping, with no real momentum being carried between these various gaps. Though when it is going and it's moving at a good clip, it's very good. But given, again, just how disjointed it is, probably could have been shorter or just maybe made to be more cohesive, either way.

Ariana Grande has a new remix for her track, "The Boy Mine," which obviously was inspired by the Brandy and Monica song, and now she's come out, again, with this new version that features Brandy and Monica. And I don't really feel like they add that much to the track. I would much rather just listen to "The Boy Mine," like the original, but whatever.

Moving on from there, we have Aliyah's Interlude with "Love Me", whose tracks I usually am very into, especially "It Girl." And this new one over here is not that bad. It's a really cool cool, inspiring, sweet self-love anthem. I just think the house instrumental backing could have been more interesting or just maybe a bit more eccentric in a way that compliments her stand-out style a bit more. Just seems like a very average bit of production, but a solid tune and some good vocals on top of it. I'll give it that for sure.

Best tracks of the week. We have quite a few of those. They are as follows. A lot of good stuff dropped, so pay attention.

We have a Rakim, legendary New York rapper, Rakim, has a new solo record on the way. First single from it features Kurupt & Masta Killa, and it's nice little tastefully updated bit of '90s boom bap with some slick production and DJ cuts, too. Really good quality flows all around from Rakim as well. I'm liking this one a lot. It got a nice foot in the new world, foot in the old world. It's a cool, I want to say, experience banger. We'll leave it there.

We also have this new one over here from Muramasa featuring Yeule. It's an interesting little lofi, almost like bedroom pop cuts titled "We Are Making Out," and it's very funny, very cheeky, very flirty, highly entertaining, I will say that.

Moving on from there, we have this new one from Michelle over here as well. "Oontz" is the name of the track, and it's just so damn funky, well-layered. The vocal harmonies are on point. It's a mesh of a bunch of different genres, but above all else, it is poppy and again, danceable and groovy as hell. I'm liking this tune quite a bit. Excited to try this forthcoming record. If everything on it is going to be as good as "Oontz."

We also have a new one over here from King Krul, who has a new EP out, "SHHHHHHH!" is the title of the EP. We have linked to the first track off the EP down below. If you're looking for some spaced out, post-punky, depressive rock vibes. This is going to be the EP for you.

We also have a new single from the forthcoming Krallice album, liking this one quite a bit. The band is really in their experimental bag, experimental metal bag on this one with a very foreboding intro. And then once things launch off with the heavy extreme metal guitars and the synth bits as well, it's got a lot of character to it. If you're looking for something that's a little meditative and is going to take you on a journey and it's quite dark and murky and harsh, give this track a listen for sure. The song is titled "Flatlines Encircled Residue."

Next, we have a new one from Jamie XX. Robyn is on the track. "Life" is the name, and it's a great dance anthem. Crazy drums and drum transitions all over the track as well. Robyn's vocals kill on the cut, Yes, pretty much every Jamie XX single for this new album has been just nonstop flames. I don't know if there's an electronic music album I'm anticipating this year more than this one, to be completely honest.

Whoa, whoa. This new single, "Cinnamon Temple," from the upcoming Hiatus Coyote album. They've been really teasing a lot of tracks from this record. And this one over here is the most insane, hands down. The the lofi guitars and the insane drums all over it sound like something off of a goddamn Lightning Bolt track. What? Excuse me? But still, it sits very firmly in that funky experimental, progressive soul vibe that the band is known for. It's very all over the place, but simultaneously very cohesive to the performance is killer. The production is just rough in all the right ways and places. And yes, it's just an electrifying song all around. The most thrilling single from this album cycle so far. So pretty pumped to hear this record now at this point.

We also have a new one from Ginger Root, who has come through with a new, funky, catchy little nostalgic pop-rock bop, just like the last single, but this one I would say is a little more lofi "Better Than Monday" is the name of the track. This one's quite fun.

Also enjoying this new one from The Garden. It sounds like an old piece of lofi West Coast hardcore punk from the '80s, but it's got some crazy-ass psychedelic bits in it and just weird art rock bits in it, which are unlikely for that style. And yet it goes overall really well. "Filthy Rabbit Hole" is the name of the song.

I'm also liking this very intense narrative, murderous piano ballad from Death's Dynamic Shroud. Big genre change on this new track, that's for sure, but it's an exciting and a compelling one. I will say that. A record, which I know is on the way from the group that goes along these lines, is going to be quite interesting if the rest of the tracks, or most, or even some of the tracks on the LP end up following suit with this new "Rocking Chair" song, cut.

We also have a new one from The Dare. "Perfume" is the name of the track, and yes, it's literally a post-punky, loud, brash, and fun, sassy song about perfume. It seems like the band has a bit of an object-centric songwriting style. Pick a noun, and we're just going to go in on that noun, which is a fun way to write if it's coming out with songs that are this catchy and hard-hitting and groovy, I'll say that.

Also liking, of course, the new Charlie XCX remix of "Girl, So Confusing" with Lorde. My God, the tears, the sadness, the vulnerability. It's a powerful new version of the track that adds to the depth of the original quite a bit.

Also liking this new one from Channel Tres. If you're liking his dance music vibes or you've been enjoying them up until this point, those hip-house vibes that he has been riding on, you will like this new track, "Cactus Water" as well, I promise you.

Also liking, of course, another teaser track from the upcoming Conductor Williams and Boldy James' album, "Off-White Lumberjack" is this new one. If you're looking for something that is just like really loose, wild, abstract underground hip hop with some super druggy lyrical bars, you want to give this one a shot for sure.

Also liking the track "Let Her Know" from the new James Blake EP, CMYK 002. He's finally followed up the Let Her Know EP, the original, and we're getting another one. And what I'm hearing so far from it, especially this track, "Let Her Know", is pretty fire with the various vocal cuts and the buildups and the interesting off-kilter groups. It's great.

Also liking this new one from Beach Bunny, a really good quality emo pop and rock with a great chorus and good guitar cord progressions that sound familiar but are really tangy and sharp and sweet.

And finally, last one, Aphex Twin, who has come through almost a 30-year anniversary of Selected Ambient Works Volume II, by the way. And this track, "19 (stone in focus)," is very much, obviously, in that vein. It is a 10-minute ambient cut that is quite beautiful in transing with a lot of washes of synthesizer waves that move in and out like the ocean. And yeah, loving the vibes on this one quite a bit. So yes, give this one a listen, give this one a spin. Ambient Works 2 reissue. Again, 30th anniversary of that era coming up. Keep an eye and an ear out for that, and that will do it for the weekly track roundup.

Thank you, everybody. You're the best. Hopefully, you got some good, great, amazing recommendations out of this video, and we will see you in the next one.

Anthony Fantano, Weekly Tracks, forever.

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