black metal

  • 2012

    American black metal outfit Ash Borer has a new album on the way via Profound Lore, and you can hear a colossal clip of the album’s first track above. The 4-track LP will be titled Cold of Ages, which is certainly a fitting title if every track brings the

  • 2012

    Faustian Echoes by Agalloch When I first heard Portland metal outfit Agalloch was going to be dropping a new EP, I didn’t think for a second the release would basically be a single, 21-minute track. The band certainly lives up to the grandiose assumptions that comes with a track

  • 2012

    Here, we have a new track dropping from the forthcoming Nachtmystium album, Silencing Machine. I actually dig it lot more than the first, which had some pretty furious, relentless, mechanical drums on it. This new track, “Borrowed Hope and Broken Dreams,” moves at a much more moderate pace, but manages

  • 2012

    Considering the Nordic countries commonly associated with black metal, I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow when I heard this particular band, TAMUTAMEN, hails from Tel Aviv, Israel. However, I guess it’s not such a big deal since bands like Liturgy, Krallice, Deafheaven, and Wolves In the Throne

  • 2009

    The Messianic Downfall by GNAW THEIR TONGUES “The Messianic Downfall” is a sickeningly dark piece of vile, noisy, and lo-fi black metal from this project’s recently released Eschatological Scatology. Nice title. This LP was recorded back in ’09, but hasn’t had any sort of official release until this

  • bass

    Set for release in the middle of July, here’s a sludgy, heavy black metal tune from the forthcoming Howling Wind album, “the Mountain View.” This LP’s title is Of Babalon, and it’ll be this Portland groups third full-length album. Look for it on Profound Lore.

  • 7

    Black metal modernists Nachtmystium drop the first single from the band’s forthcoming album on Century Medium, Silencing Machine. “As Made,” with its sequenced drums and calculated shots of abrasive noise, is a nice industrially tinged piece of sacrilege. I usually don’t care for drum machines in my black

  • arguss

    A twisted and melodic blend of both black metal and death metal coming through on this debut from the Ukrainian band Agruss. “Morok” is the title track to this new album. It’s out now on Code 666. Hit up the band’s Facebook page here.

  • No Youth by Wreck And Reference One of the heavier industrial albums I’ve listened to in a while, No Youth by Wreck and Reference, is the followup to the project’s 2011 album, Black Cassette. Hailing from California, Wreck and Reference are infusing heavy, doom-esque moments into otherwise spacious

  • If Lord Mantis’ Pervertor doesn’t have the most vile album cover you’ve seen this year, it should definitely make it into your top-10 come December. The Chicago band’s talents go far beyond picking gruesome cover art, though–which was created by Justin Bartlett, I should add. Lord