
  • 2017

    In this video, I’m responding to an ignorant piece of clickbait being passed off as music writing that paints all alternative genres–but specifically alternative rock–as a “safe space” for whites. Our writer fails to address the plethora of alt genres where that’s obviously not the case,

  • alt

    Energetic and to-the-point rock music from Bromheads on their new full-length, Choro. The tracks on this LP have a rough, garage-influenced sound to ’em; however, Bromheads make up for their lack of cleanliness with sharp hooks and nutty vocals. Enjoy!

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    The Men drop yet another track from their forthcoming album, New Moon, which is gonna get dropped on Sacred Bones Records in March. This one’s got a bit of a country tinge to it! The passionate, harmonized vocals are a bit of a surprise, too. Enjoy!