Hi, everyone. Ahahthony Ahtano here. Lust$ickPuppy, CAROUSEL FROM HELL.

Short, album, fast, loud. Review, short, fast, loud.

Lust$ickPuppy, rapper, singer, producer, songwriter, Tomasyn Hayes. First album, nine tracks, 18 minutes long. Crazy, wild, disorienting, glitchy, overwhelming, aggressive, groovy, manic, unhinged, but also skilled, methodical, detailed, assembled very well.

Specifics: punk noise, hip hop, electronics, stuff, high BPMs. Digital hardcore revival as well, but looking to the future, not just Atari Teenage Riot, but also next logical conclusion to Death Grips. Sampled them as well. Also, A2B2, Andy Flatlander stuff, connection. If industrial or your experimental hip hop was ever really about the challenge for you, how mind-bending its potential is, the explosive aggression and emotion of Lust$ickPuppy is a must for you. Also, big talent, doing the vocals, doing the writing, doing the production, too. The production, wheezy. Big personality as well. The songs are hilarious, snarky, sassy, but I'd feel like I was the shit, too, if I was producing this. Burnt-out synths, crunchy, dizzying beats. Difficult to translate at first on initial listens, but miraculously, most tracks have some pretty standout hooks and flows for sure that shine through the chaos that surrounds them.

"KETCHUP MUSTARD", "EMPATHY RESERVED", "AMERICAN HEALTHCARE", "EXES", "LOTHARIO". Actual extremity too, like on "BLISSTER", the screams, the beats. Blood pumping, but also just the variety of sounds across the track, the cheerleader-type call and response vocals. Very fun. Killer harmonies, too.

Sometimes I wish the record was longer. But Lust$ickPuppy fits a lot of details, a lot of mayhem, a lot of structure into a very tiny space. Finishes a bit stronger than it starts, too. But once it gets going, it is just a blitzkrieg of badass and killer tracks. Taking the industrial hip hop torch and running with it.

Decent eight.

Anthony Fantano. Lust$ickPuppy. Forever.

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