Premiere: All India Radio - "Vega"


All India Radio is an atmospheric downtempo outfit hailing from down under–shoutout to Melbourne! Frontman Martin Kennedy and his rotating cast of characters have been at it since the late ’90s and are dropping (what’s by my count) their 13th studio album next week. Titled S P A C E and sporting album art that was originally commissioned for Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon, it’s an album so confident in its hand that it’s eager to show it as soon as possible.

We’re premiering the project’s opening track, “Vega,” a grand instrumental that sets the stage quite well. Yes, it’s got the vibe of other acts who similarly have their heads in the cosmos, like the aforementioned Pink Floyd and The Flaming Lips at their most ethereal, but also in the mix is a bit of the Lynchian noir of, say, Timber Timbre. Hopefully this mix of sounds does it for you. Listen below and enjoy!

S P A C E begins streaming May 25 via The Big Takeover.

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