Fabiana Palladino - "Mystery" / Ruthven - "Evil"

Jai Paul is back! Sort of. He and his brother A. K. are at least back in a production capacity with these two new songs from fresh faces Fabiana Palladino and Ruthven. Across both tracks, the Paul brothers maintain their distinctive production style – cold, minimalist, and evocative of the ’80s synthpop/funk in a sort of uncanny way. Fabiana and Ruthven, to their credit, complement the eccentric production with captivating vocal performances. The latter, apparently a musical hobbyist who’s a firefighter by trade, also did much of his own instrumentation.

This material is out via the Paul Institute, a creative space founded by Jai and A. K. with the noble intention of fostering new British talent. These guys really seem to be going about the music business their own way and we’re interested to hear where this goes. Especially because this first offering is so promising.

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