The Neighbourhood - #000000 & #FFFFFF

Download: The Neighbourhood – #000000 & #FFFFFF
A producer needs a very convincing aesthetic on a mixtape in order to get cooperation from all of his collaborators. The way that every rapper on this tape steps into the atmospheric world and plays their character speaks volumes to the world’s authenticity. From Danny Brown–who turns in by far the best verse on the tape–to Casey Veggies, each artist is willing to slow their roll a bit to make sure they can put their name on this breathtakingly dark mixtape from LA-based pop rock band The Neighbourhood.

The strength behind the production lies in its ability to take sounds associated with carefree pop culture and expose the dark underworld lurking just underneath them. Horns, which have recently dominated most #1 songs, are a constant mood setter here. They creating a sense of unease as they lurch just beneath the stripped down beats on the surface. Unfortunately, the DJ introductions on here get a bit grating. Here’s to hoping there’s a DJ free version available soon, but nevertheless, the tape is worth an attentive listen.

-Garrett Cottingham

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