Myrkur - "Skaði (Demo)"

Normally, I wouldn’t make such a big deal over a demo, but this new track from the one-woman black metal project known as “Myrkur” comes with a pretty interesting announcement: Not only is the cut embedded above going to be featured on the forthcoming Myrkur LP on Relapse Records next year, but this project is also going to see some production assistance from Mr. Ulver himself, Kristoffer Rygg. There will be some instrumental accompaniment from members of Dodheimsgard and Mayhem as well.

That’s a pretty hefty endorsement, and all of this for a project that seemingly came out of nowhere.

But here’s something Myrkur’s PR campaign has kind of omitted in the promotion of this project: Myrkur is actually Danish singer-songwriter and model Amalie Bruun. Ms. Bruun has actually released a handful of pop-flavored solo albums, sung in the band Ex Cops, and even collaborated with R.A. The Rugged Man. From hip hop to black metal, Bruun’s musical tastes seem pretty diverse, and that can only be a good thing.

While I was somewhat underwhelmed by the debut Myrkur EP earlier this year, I’m hoping Bruun’s past experience in releasing records yields more exciting results. I don’t see how it can’t considering minds like Rygg are going to be involved. Plus, this new track isn’t half bad, too!

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