Liars - "I'm No Gold" / "Poison Bender"

Liars released their single “I’m No Gold” on November 4th, a song that was originally featured on their innovative LP from March titled Mess. The single will be accompanied by 2 b-sides and 3 remixes as well. Mess’s dark, electronic, and extremely heavy dance jams turned more than a few heads after their relatively tame foray into the world of electronica on 2012’s WIXIW. “I’m No Gold” embodies the harsh post-punk aesthetic of this album, alternating between bouncy glitch hop and driving house beats combined with very dark synths. The song is terrifying, but stays immensely fun throughout. Sure, there are hundreds of post-punk electronic albums out there, but you can’t convince me the world isn’t a better place without Liar’s take on the genre. Check out the haunting video that accompanies the single above, and find a b-side from this forthcomign single below:

– Garrett Cottingham

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