iamamiwhoami - "chasing kites"

A new track from previously praised Swedish songwriter and synth pop singer Jonna Lee. She’s been releasing music under the once anonymous pseudonym of iamamiwhoami for a few years now, and she’s gearing up to release the followup to her wonderful debut this November. The title of this forthcoming album: Blue.

Thus far, in my opinion, many of the tracks Jonna has released have been less than impressive. Her influences have remained roughly the same, delivering synth melodies vocal performances reminiscent of the Knife or Kate Bush. However, the songwriting just hasn’t been there for me.

However, “Chasing Kites” is definitely a change of pace in that regard. The song is a synth pop gem, and features incredibly catchy chorus, a gripping rhythm, and some epic synth chords.

While I’m not dying to hear Blue, I wasn’t dying to hear Kin either. I recall having a hard time connecting to many of the songs from that record until I heard the whole thing as an album. Hopefully, that’s the case this time around as well.

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