Red Hot Chili Peppers - "In Love Dying"

Established alternative rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers have been steadily releasing songs that were recorded during the sessions for their latest LP, I’m With You, but weren’t included on the album. The most recent installment in the series is “In Love Dying,” which you can stream above.

“In Love Dying” is about eight minutes long, which, at first glance, suggested to me that it would be a relatively adventurous work for RHCP. The band’s past few albums, on the other hand, have done little to support such a prospect, seeming to grow increasingly less bold with each new release. The true nature of the song ended up not being disappointing, however; it’s never wildly experimental, but it does justify its running time. Flea and Chad Smith establishing a repetitive yet interesting rhythmic foundation, supplying characteristically melodic bass lines and subtly intricate grooves, respectively. With Anthony Kiedis’ always pleasing voice and atmospheric guitar work from Josh Klinghoffer also at its disposal, the remainder of the song’s sonic landscape is enjoyable. Perhaps the most appealing aspect of the song is its progression, which plays out as the band cohesively executes dynamic fluctuation within the track’s minimalistic structure. Underwhelming late-period material aside, Red Hot Chili Peppers have proven that they are still capable of finding fresh new angles in their sound.

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