Igorrr - Hallelujah

Admittedly, if I had casually heard the phrase “operatic breakcore” getting tossed around in a music conversation, I’d truly be fighting the urge to step in and shout, “GIMMICK! GIMMICK! GIMMICK!” However, that’s really the only word grouping I can conjure to describe the sounds on Igorrr’s Hallelujah. I guess it isn’t truly functional, though, because there’s an indescribable metal influence on some of these tracks, too.

Grab this album on vinyl, CD, or MP3 on Bandcamp.

While I’m not completely convinced that the music streaming in the above widget isn’t a gimmick, at least it’s detailed and impressively produced. The pairing of genres here may, on paper, look about as appetizing as a mustard and jelly sandwich, there’s some serious gourmet cooking going on here.

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