Grizzly Bear- "Yet Again"

Presented by the Creator’s Project, here’s a new video for the Grizzly bear track “Yet Again,” which comes off the band’s latest LP, Shields. Check a review of it here.

Historically, Grizzly Bear videos haven’t exactly sat all to well withe me. The claymation on “Ready, Able” just seemed kinda messy to me, “While You Wait For the Others” was just all over the place,” and “the Knife” just feels like a commercial for something when it’s not too busy creeping me out. Did I mention the “Two Weeks” gave me nightmares for at least two weeks?

However, this new video for “Yet Again” kept me interested, and fit the song’s cacophonous end perfectly. It all starts with an ice skater honing her skills, but then she goes on a kind of surreal journey, wandering her way to where she originally began.

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