King Tuff- "Alone And Stoned"

Sometimes all you need is the title of the song to know what the video is going to be like, this is one of those times.

King Tuff is a project from the frontman of the former stoner metal outfit Witch, Kyle Thomas. It should be noted that King Tuff is really nothing like that, instead it brings a fantastic vibe of fun garage styled rock music. The kind of music that can teleport you different time; it has a pure sensation that the lo-fi quality really helps bring out.

For the video they did what needed to be done, meaning they got a bunch of odd characters in strange rooms to do really silly acts that one would only find entertaining if they were stoned. It fits the song perfectly, although, a lot of the time I get a kind of creepy vibe from the people in it. Maybe it’s just the guy wrapped in the American flag playing with a small dog, who knows?

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