A$AP Mob- Lord$ Never Worry Mixtape

Download: A$AP Mob- Lord$ Never Worry Mixtape
The A$AP crew has finally released a mixtape hoping to prove they have some kind of staying power and unique personality apart from A$AP Rocky.

I wouldn’t really say that they do, but most of them are able to do almost the exact same thing that Rocky does: flow with a beat. They don’t ride a beat like a normal rapper would and that is really what makes them special; they use sparse, atmospheric beats that tend to be the  highlight. What they are able to do is accent the production with their style making it all blend together into a hip hop-infused melting pot. Almost every member of the A$AP crew is able to do this just as well as Rocky, minus A$AP Ant (yikes). If you were into LiveLoveA$AP  you will likely enjoy this tape too as the production is nearly as good, but doesn’t feel quite as fresh as it did when Rocky first broke out onto the scene. I don’t know if these guys have staying power, but their production choices are likely going to keep them around for a while yet. Sadly, the highlights for me are the non-A$AP members featured like Flatbush Zombie and Danny Brown.

Even you aren’t a fan of the A$AP fan give the tape listen, you are bound to enjoy the production at the very least.

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