Courtney John- "Love Is"

Check out the new single from reggae artist Courtney John above. The concept of the track kinda boils down to one lyric in the hook: “Love is the one thing that’s never out of season.” Well, ain’t it true? When has love gone out of style? I can’t remember a time. Pretty sure people are still singing about that stuff.

But “Love Is” is a song about loving love, not just another person. The positive vibes are infectious, and get carried in the simple, catchy reggae instrumentation that backs the song. The Junior Murvin-esque falsetto vocals fronting the track are great, too. Very sweet and passionate.

If John is successful at anything with this track, it’s that he’s created something wonderfully universal. Who can’t this song appeal to? Hateful people? Turn that frown upside down. Life’s too short.

You can find John’s new album, From Letters to Words, on FiWi Music.

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