Self Defense Family- "Self Immolation Family" (Loved)

A strong, passionate track from the new Defense Family 7″, which was recorded in Iceland at a studio owned by Sigur Ros, and the session was even engineered by the band’s frontman, Jón Þór Birgisson. Now the song itself delivers SDF’s usual combo of loud guitars with a harmonious edge, and the stellar vocals of Patrick Kindlon. Yeah, he’s not exactly singing in a traditional sense, but his hybrid of spoken word and emotional shouts are pretty gripping, so are the lyrics.

Damn, the story on this track is depressing. Rehab, drugs. It sounds like a terrible, scarring life even from which people never really cover. There’s a lotta weight to bear on this track. Lotta weight.

Grab the 7″ on Deathwish.

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