Fergus & Geronimo- "The Weird One Speaks" / "Roman Tick"

Texas garage rock eccentrics Fergus & Geronimo have a new track out, and it doesn’t disappoint. Not at all. Nope.

Well, maybe it’s a bit short, but the duo makes up for it with an extremely catchy hook and personality. The track opens up with a miss “Heather Strange” making some kind of audio personal ad. And, really, she’s looking for a man whose cerebral capabilities haven’t been fried by LCD screens yet. Could that be you?

Maybe the man sung about in the song following Heather’s personal is her perfect match. He doesn’t wanna take her to the movies or the mall. Hell, he doesn’t even want to buy her flowers or take her call. Of course, it’s all before he’s a romantic, or, uh, a “Roman Tick.” Yes, being a blood sucking parasite from Roman times would keep one from doing all those things specified in the lyrics from happening.

From what I understand, the track comes from Fergus & Geronimo’s forthcoming LP on Hardly Art, FWTSOA. Look for it on August 7th.

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