Apollo Brown & O.C.- Trophies

Detroit producer Apollo Brown and veteran New York MC O.C. have teamed up for a new collaborative album titled Trophies. The pair included this statement on the Bandcamp page for the album:

Today’s society is fascinated with “Trophies.” Not just a shiny cup or figurine atop a wooden platform, but the superficial earnings as a result of one’s recognition. Prestigious awards, fancy cars, nice jewelry, and beautiful women, are all coveted “Trophies” of the present day. They seem to be the preferred end result of our hard work. Everyone NEEDS to be recognized for whatever their achievement may be, in order to feel that he/she made a mark in this world. And in order for our recognition to be proper, we NEED an award, or a material object to help reassure us that we did something. But why?

This theme is reflected by a series of socially conscious verses spat by O.C., which work nicely with solid production from Apollo Brown. The producer offers a take on the classic “boom-bap” sound that reminds me why the sound got popular in the first place. His range of samples make for beats that vary from the soulful “The Pursuit” and “Anotha One” to the sinister “Disclaimer” and “People’s Champ.”

Above, stream the album in full via the Mello Music Group Bandcamp.

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