Death Grips- "Poser Killer" / "Fyrd Up"

Currently, the TND camp is in the midst of a bit of Death Grips fever, and there’s no cure in sight. Addiction, addiction, addiction.

So, late last month, what seems to be a few Death Grips demos surfaced on YouTube, but they haven’t really received the blog buzz they deserve. To my knowledge, YouTube user MichealMcNanner was the first person to have shared these tracks on the internet, and how he came about these songs is bluntly explained in the comments for “Fryd Up”:

Judging from the sound quality and production on these two tracks, they sound early. Maybe even produced prior to the EP tracks that preceded last year’s Exmilitary. Still raw and intense, though. Grab these two tracks below:

Download: Death Grips- “Live From Death Valley”

And check out my Loved Listed review of Death Grips’ the Money Store here.

Edit: I’ve been told these tracks were also released, rather covertly, as a part of the Death Bomb digital singles collection.

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