Billy Woods- "Body of Work" ft. Roc Marciano & Masai Bey (prod. Willie Green)

Featuring Roc Marciano and Masai Bey against some Willie Green production, here’s a new Billy Woods track titled “Body of Work.”

Woods is an East Coast MC whose delivery on this track reads more like abstract slam poetry than it does rap. The jazzy flute solos placed into the background by Willie Green only makes that element of this track stronger. The rhythm is absolutely massive, and I love the tinny tambourine shaking paired up with it, adding a rustic rattle to the beat’s heavy makeup.

The vocal sample is pretty chilling as well, creating a perfect foundation for the dark and personal lyrics Woods and co. drop onto the track. The final verse painting pictures of curdling blood and spoiling milk is pretty chilling. A MF DOOM reference makes it into the mix, too.

This track comes from Woods’ latest album, History Will Absolve Me, which is out now on Backwoodz.

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