Ariel Pink and R. Stevie Moore- Klu Klux Glam

I just got turned onto this through our Facebook page, and I can’t believe I missed this. So, basically, this is a collaboration between two generations of self-recording enthusiasts. R. Stevie Moore has been releasing eccentric, homemade tracks and albums since the ’60s, and was a huge influence on the lo-fi pop, rock, and experimental music Ariel Pink would record decades later.

So, to see them both of them collaborating so publicly is a treat. They’re doing it in a big way, too. Parts of this album were released on SoundCloud last year, but it wasn’t made clear that the thirty tracks that were posted were only the tip of the iceberg–gorgeous cover, though.

This final Bandcamp version of the new collaboration holds sixty-one tracks, and varies greatly from straightforward rock tunes to some of the strangest musical ideas Moore or Pink has ever laid to tape. One track even seems to be a song from Pink’s Before Today reversed and topped with vocal snippets of this interview. Sure, there are some accessible moments here, but much of these tracks is basically oddballs being oddballs, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Every track is available for $29 on Bandcamp, but maybe hardcore fans should wait, because a double LP is rumored to be on the way. Viva la outsider music.

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