Download the New Wormrot EP

Download: Wormrot- Noise
Y’all may remember back in April when I reviewed the new Wormrot LP, Dirge. Damn, that album was loud, fast, intricate, intense, and catchy. Basically, it had everything I could want in a grindcore record. I’m not the kind of person who needs to be listening to the fastest band out there. I’m just happy to hear some musicians actually playing together without sounding overproduced–or underproduced, hah–in this genre.

The Singapore band is cointinuing its sonic assault with a new EP, titled Noise, that’s getting released as a free download via Scion A/V. Scion has been championing a lot of extreme metal acts as of late, and I’m glad to see these guys get some attention.

Check my review of Wormrot’s Dirge here, and download Noise through the link above.

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