Machinedrum- "Come1"

Out via Planet Mu, here’s a track from Machinedrum’s latest album Room(s). This project is the solo effort of producer Travis Stewart, whose been at it for well over a decade now. And if this track “Come1,” isn’t the sound of experience, I don’t know what is.

Here, Machinedrum carefully stacks what’s essentially a sonic house of cards. There are a lot of sounds weaved into this track, many of them functioning at much different speeds.

Pianos that might sound more fit in a club hit go double-time with small vocal samples muttering in the background. A slow hip hop beat lightly clicks away in the background as numerous sounds build over it, creating a tense cloud of percussion and tones.

The track somehow finds peace in the noise, though. Acoustic guitar arpeggios seem to melt things down a little with a thin, male vocal singing out very calmly.

At first, the whole thing came off as being very messy to me, but as I listened more, I came to realize how detailed and moving this track was. It’s a strange combination of sounding labored over and thrown together. Machinedrums’ goal to completely avoid the predictable was met and surpassed.

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