Flying Lotus- "lullaby" / "heave (n) mix2"

Flying dropped two tracks via SoundCloud just 11 hours ago as I’m writing this post. I assume they’re new. It’s not like the songs’ respective “descriptions” leave us much to go on:
“heave (n) mix2” description: “wevgouweowowweououyouw”

“lullaby” description: “wegfwejjjkwjhhjhkjjh”

Take those for what you will.

As far as the sounds here go, they’re colorful and abundant, which is to be expected. The same husky beats and swirling samples that have made this guy’s recent work great are very prevalent on ‘heave (n).” As far as I can tell, it’s just another mix of this track.

“lullabye,” however, is a slightly different beast. The sounds here are much leaner, drier. One of the comments even brought this up: It sounds a like something that might have come off of the King of Limbs. I have to agree. The bold repetitions, busy percussive looping, and cycling synths do sound slightly inspired.

Enjoy the tracks below:

Flying lotus – heave (n) mix2 by Flyinglotus

Flying Lotus – lullaby by Flyinglotus

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