Chrome Sparks- "All There Is" ft. Steffaloo


Chrome Sparks is the solo effort of Ann Arbor twentysomething Jeremy Malvin. The Midwest music student sounds like he self-records, which is nothing new in 2011, but what’s refreshing here is this guy’s straightforward sound. The music isn’t hidden behind effects and off mixing, and it’s because there’s nothing to hide, really.

On “All There Is,” twinkling arpeggios and a warm bass guitar sound layer kind of elegantly over a heavy drum machine beat. It’s the kind of track that sounds best on a car stereo during a July drive down to the beach. The track even picks up a feature from singer-songwriter Steffaloo–who’s also worked with Blackbird Blackbird–and Chrome Sparks chops her vocal contribution up gourmet style, throwing in perfectly placed skips and pitch shifts.

She appears twice on Chrome Sparks’ new EP, My <3, which can be purchased for whatever price you’d like here. And now for the cover art:

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