Iceage- "You're Blessed"

Someone brought this noisy piece of magic to my attention yesterday, which seems to be pretty overlooked. I missed it myself on its January release this year on Dais Recs.

The band is Iceage, and they’re a Danish trio, embracing the sounds of post-punk, new wave, and noise all at once. Their latest album is New Brigade.

“You’re Blessed” is easily one one of this album’s more accessible tracks. It’s fast, to the point, and it’s got a great hook as well. The band’s sloppy aesthetic catches up with them after the first hook, but it’s in a really endearing way, I promise. I love the sharp guitar tone here, too, and the vocals have just the right amount of reverb on ’em–a little splashy, hell yeah.

Pick New Brigade up over here.

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