Sin Fang- "Always Everything" ‡ MP3

Last year, the comments sections of my videos were lightly peppered with suggestions of the latest Seabear album, We Built a Fire. Sorry dudes and dudettes. I guess I was busy or something. Just didn’t like it as much as I thought I would.

Well, the band’s frontman, Sindri Már Sigfússon, has a solo project called Sin Fang. It used to be that this solo effort was much quieter and electronic than Seabear, but it seems that the exact opposite is happening. From what I’m hearing on Sin Fang’s latest single, “Always Everything,” I’m guessing Sindri has some ambitious things planned. He even brings Seabear onto the album–along with Múm and Amiina–to make the whole thing sound a lot bigger than it has in the past.

The mix of acoustic instrumentation and upbeat attitudes on this number definitely catches my ear. Does it catch yours? Look for Sin Fang’s latest album, Summer Echoes, on Moor Music on 3/15.

MP3: Sin Fang- Always Everything

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