Panda Bear- "Alsation Darn" / "You Can Count On Me" ‡ MP3s

Anybody who was around in July knows Panda Bear’s last single left me a little underwhelmed. It received quite a bit of praise from around the blogosphere, but something just wasn’t clicking with me. Luckily, these new tracks have me coming around and expecting good things of the forthcoming Tomboy. I like the melodic and skeletal these two songs take. The chorus on “Alsation Darn” is pretty catchy, and the beats on “You Can Count On Me” give off a strange new age vibe. Check the tracks below and lemme know what you think.

Are you excited for the new Panda or the new Avey? Whose album will do better / be better? Are you going to buy 10 copies of this single and give ’em out at Xmas?

Panda Bear- You Can Count On Me

Panda Bear- Alsation Darn


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