Jesu Gets Demixed ‡ MP3

If you’re into experimental music’s louder side, the work of Justin K. Broadrick is a must. With Napalm Death, Jesu, and Godflesh, the guy has built up a lot of cred.

This August via Ghostly, he’s letting us in on some b-sides under the name “Pale Sketcher.” The forthcoming album is a set of remixes, re-dos, and tracks that were far outside of Jesu’s borders. Grab one of the songs below:

MP3: Pale Sketcher- Plans That Fade (Faded Dub)

Was this song something you would expect from Broadrick? Too ‘trippy’? Not ‘trippy’ enough? What do you think this album will be like? What Broadrick reached the status where we should be worshiping everything he does?

What do you think?

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